29 January 2010

Bold Love


I just got home from To Save A Life (see the following posts: http://matt-bartlett.blogspot.com/2010/01/you-can-save-life.html, http://matt-bartlett.blogspot.com/2010/01/to-save-life.html). You should really go check it out. I only advertise it constantly because I really believe in what it stands for.

So how does this tie in to my belated closing of my first series, Love Like Jesus? The main character in this movie exemplifies the bold love of Jesus Christ. Christ loves the unlovable. He loves the outcasts, the drinkers, the self-righteous. It's easy for us as Christians to say that He loves everyone, but what does everyone look like? As I mentioned in my first post, Jesus loves all of us equally. None of us is worthy of God. We're all sinners, saved by grace.

One of the most encouraging passages in Scripture for me is Hebrews 4:14-16. It says that we have been given the authority to boldly come before the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ. We don't have to tremble or fear. He promises to repay our sins with his redeeming love.

Christ was beaten, tortured, and gruesomely hung on a tree. His side was pierced. His hands and feet were driven through by nails. His brow was scarred by thorns. Jesus went to the grave willingly. Why?

Jesus died to set us free from our sin so that we could live a life for his cause. And this has everything to do with love. 1 John said we know love because He first loved us. This bold love invokes a bold response. Like Jake Taylor in the movie, we should be going out to the last and the lost in our worlds. We see kids sitting alone everyday. Even in our own churches and youth groups. Sure, it's awkward. So what? Think of the eternal impact here. Are you willing to sacrifice your comfort for the possibility of saving a life? I sure hope so.

My challenge to you: love someone today who hasn't done anything to deserve it. Love someone who is against you. Love a sinner with the Agape love that Jesus provisioned for us. As Christians, the God of the universe is within us. We don't personally have to be great at being around new people. As outgoing as I am, I really have a hard time talking to someone who is new. I'm just not comfortable, at least not yet. But I have a secret to tell you, and you should tell everyone.

God answers our prayers. Pray for boldness. Pray for your friends who don't know Jesus (if this particularly sounds interesting let me know, I have a great devo that I'm going through right now called My Most Wanted List). But back to the point. The more you follow God's call and love the people that you don't even feel comfortable with, He will strengthen you. If you start slowly living out that bold lifestyle, He will increase your boldness. Don't believe me? Try it.
Just some food for thought. Be bold. Your reward is in Heaven.

To Christ be the Glory,

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