21 January 2010

Lord I Lift Your Name on High

This song basically sums it all up. Old school worship, but the God it lifts up is the same. The lyrics so beautifully describe what our response to Jesus Christ should be. Because of his actions we should praise him by lifting his name on high. What does that mean? It's simple. It means boldly declaring the name of Jesus Christ. Easier said than done.

I've recently been convicted about how chicken I have been to discuss Jesus with non-Christains. I can share the Gospel, that's easy. But like when I'm sitting at lunch and nonbelievers are there, it's easy for me to pass over the chance to say something. Aren't we all guilty of not saying what we should? We are called to proclaim Christ to the nations. Not doing anything means we aren't acting as Christ called us to. So give it a serious thought. How often do we glaze over the name of Jesus Christ?

The name Jesus Christ is the most powerful name in the history or future of humanity. The name of Christ alone drives out demons, heals the sick, and makes miracles possible. Shouldn't we being talking about him constantly? Don't we want to see the world turn to him one soul at a time?

The end offers up the most simple, yet most elegant prayer. Jesus, You are Holy. Jesus, You are Awesome. You are my strength. You are my song. You are my all. You are my King. You are my God. Pray that tonight. Pray the ending of this song. then pray Psalm 150 out loud. It's all about Jesus. Proclaim the name of Christ.

by coincidence my pastor was talking about the power of the name of Christ this past weekend. check it out if you're interested at http://vimeo.com/8845013


  1. I can totally relate to feeling awkward about flat-out sharing Jesus with someone who isn't a believer. I think the name "Jesus" holds a different feeling for everyone.
    Youre awesome matty! keep up your awesome loving Jesus-ness!
    Jennniferrr (b)

  2. Jesus Christ is the most powerful name in the universe hands down. its scary to a lot of people i'd imagine.
    thanks for the feedback jenn.
