23 January 2010

To Save A Life

First off, this is a life changing movie. You have got to go see it. I'm not going to spoil it for you so you can read the rest of this post. I just wanted to hit on a couple of points that the movie raises. For me, it cut a little too close to me. The truth hurts sometimes doesn't it. Watch the trailer here (it's only two minutes or so).

-The main character in the story, Jake, reaches a point in his life where he is forced to decide. Is following God worth it? Was life better how it used to be? He begins to wonder why his world is collapsing around him. Just as it is for him, there is no easy answer. We don't have to know the answer. Jesus is sufficient. Read John 9 in your next devotional. The blind man didn't know the answer, but he knew the one who mattered, Jesus Christ. Too many people walk away from Christ because life gets hard. They look for other things to put their faith in. They dedicate their life to something else but the Creator of the Universe. Life isn't easy, but I promise you its worth it. Christ is worth it. No matter what you're going through, God is right there with you. Trust him. You don't have to understand why, just have faith. Trust in Him. It's worth it.

-Too often we get comfortable in our lives. We're okay with who we have become. But the question is, "is there something more?" Honestly, what are you living for today? Is you're life just fine. It might even be really good. But without Christ as the focus we can just be settling for less. God wants to do great things through all of us. Luke 2:52 says that Jesus continued to grow. He didn't just get comfortable with his life. Christ wants the same for us. He wants to do great things in and through our lives if only we let him work. He has a plan for your life that is greater than any dream you could have for yourself. Don't settle.

-This movie really got me pissed off at the church several times. How many kids do we let walk into youth group without talking to them? How many leave without hearing their name? We all stick to our own little cliques and groups and we let the new comers fend for themselves. That's pathetic. Jesus Christ sent us to love our neighbors. And honestly it doesn't get much easier for us than loving the new kids that come to church. God is leaving them right in front of us. If we claim to be Christians, and thus claim to have Jesus Christ living inside of us we cannot continue to act like this. Don't assume someone else will talk to the new kid. Don't assume that he will just be able to assimilate to this new environment. Christian or not God commands us to reach out with them. The church is described as the bride of Christ, as part of his body. So why don't we shape up and act like it? God wants to save lives. Don't shut yourself off from that opportunity.
-I haven't even hit on the two-face Christianity yet. When we act this way we literally are defacing the God we claim to serve. A lot of Christians have a church-self and a regular-self. When non-Christians see this, they quickly lose any respect they had for Christianity. Don't sit in church just to be there. As Jake Taylor said "What's the point of doing all this if you don't let it change you?"

-God calls us to love Him and to love our neighbors. Like I mentioned above, we all tend to stick to our groups rather than branch out and love those around us. *A special note to all of you in high school: You probably aren't going to be in an environment like this after you graduate. This is a golden opportunity to save a life. Don't waste it. I've almost finished my four years, and trust me if there is anything I regret, that's it. I'm just as guilty of all of these. But I want my life to matter. When Terry Teykl was speaking at Faithbridge the last Sunday of 2009 he painted a vivid picture for me of just what Heaven can look like. People will be able to come up to us and thank us. Thanking us for caring enough about them to get them their. I can't think of any better gift to receive than that. Imagine someone thanking you for helping them get on the path to eternal life? Love.

These were just some themes that flowed throughout the entire movie. I urge you to watch it, Christian or not, the story will cut straight to the heart. Can one teenager make a difference? You bet. Take the chance. Who knows, maybe someday you will learn what it means To Save A Life.

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