30 March 2010

Mighty to Save: A Series about a Sovereign God

Daniel 2:10-11 
(The king has just commanded the astrologers to tell him his dream and interpret it or be put to death).

"The astrologers answered the king 'There is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men."


In this post I want to examine the viewpoint of the skeptics and non-believers. If you question whether or not there are other gods, or whether or not you choose your own statue of faith to call god, consider the response of the men in this passage.

The astrologers mentioned in this passage are men who believe in the powers of their gods. They have asked their gods for assistance in the past and they have been aided. But when a task this massive is put before them, the interpretation of a dream they have not heard, they abandon all hope. They tell the king that his task is bigger than what they can do. They tell him only "the gods" can do it. But these gods, are not ever-present among mankind like the One True God.

You see, this True God reveals the dream to Daniel, who is then able to interpret it for the king. This task which was deemed impossible by man, is possible by God. 

Man has been trying forever to explain away the complex simplicity that is our world. One God just doesn't seem to be enough, but that is because we have believed His power to be limited. What if He has infinite power? What if God really is sovereign as he claims, and has proven himself, to be?

We make God out to be a glorified form of ourselves, "the big guy in the sky", when really he is so much more. I hope to convey the Gospel of God's Power through this following series. Before I go further, ask yourself these questions? (like literally take a minute to think about them. like now.)

  • Are there things that I don't believe God can do?
  • Why do I refuse to believe he is all powerful?
  • Why have I created my own form of God (or gods) to replace Him?
  • Can God change me?
Rest assure in this. God has the power to do anything He wants. If he wants you to drop dead right now He can do it, He's done it before. If He desires you to come to know His true power, He will show you all that you can handle. 
Can God change you? Yes. Ask God to teach you more about who He is. Let Him rock your world with His might. 
Our God is Mighty to Save


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