13 March 2010

The Great Story

I suppose we all yearn for that first taste of freedom don't we? We look for a day when we won't have to suffer any more, where everything is as it should be. We need redemption.

As men and women, we all have our own story. That story is played out as a part of the Great Story that stretches beyond our existence. Day in and day out, we paint the pictures of our lives with our thoughts and actions.

When we see movies with those perfect endings, our soul resonates. Good triumphs over evil, the battle has finally been one and the good ol boys are coming home. We all yearn for happily ever after.

Why? Because God put that on our hearts. Each and every one of us will live out our time on this earth and continue living past it. Our souls are thirsting for that perfect peace that heaven brings, even if we want to deny our very self by refusing Christ's blood.

The greatest thing a man can possess in this world is not material goods, but rather the greatest possession is one's own story. How you use that story is up to you.

Tonight I can say that my soul has reached a level of peace that I have never known before. I've learned a lot over the past season of my life. I've been challenged a lot. I've endured tests and trials. But through it all, Christ reigns supreme. I know it sounds cliche, to say that Christ has carried my burdens. I feel as if that expression is only truly understood once each one of us realizes our role in this world.. I don't know all of what God has in store for me in this life, but I can tell you this: My story is being penned by the very Author of Life itself.

As good of a writer as any of us could be, our dreams and aspirations can only get us so far. So what does your story look like? Does it point towards the truth of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Nothing else matters. I once heard Chris Mayfield say that Jesus Christ should not be the #1 priority on your list. I thought at that point I understood, but now I am really grasping the full picture.

Jesus isn't the first priority. He is life. He is my life. My heart breaks for you if he is not yours. His story is written on ours hearts. In a daring rescue mission the Author descended into his creation to ransom the world with the blood of his son. I don't know about you, but I can't think of a story more worth telling that this.

Jesus once sad this, "I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full" Accept this life. Make his story your own. Rise up tomorrow with a new story, the Gospel that transcends humanity. Lord, I'm ready.

Bring Me To Eternity.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm checking out your blogs... And that was amazing:)
