02 March 2010

Can I Get a Witness?: An Essay on Holiness

Leviticus 11:44
"I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy."


What does it mean to be holy? It's another one of those church answers that we don't give much thought to isn't it? We know that God is holy,  but do we all know that we have been called to this same holiness?

To be holy is simply this; to be set apart. This attribute of God is mentioned more frequently in the bible than any other. It's obviously important. God is holy. He is set apart from his creation. He alone is good. He alone is the Lord. He has no sin or shame. He is blameless.

So where do we fit in? We were called to be holy. It bears the same definition for us. To be holy means we must be set apart. Part of this is shown in Romans 12:2 where it says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." Part of being holy is being different from the world.

I know that I'm guilty of acting in worldly ways. We all mess up. However, I see people who call themselves Christians on Sundays blending in with non-Christians during the other six days of the week. A huge part of this is guys being flat out disrespectful to girls. As Christian men, we know that they have been created in the image of God, so why do we make a spectacle out of them? Countless times throughout the day I hear people gawking over breasts, butts, you name it. I know that some guys come to church for the hot girls, I've been in those shoes before. I'm telling all of you guys, it isn't worth it. It's no wonder that the world calls Christians hypocrites when we are acting just like the unsaved.

And I know Christians that can out curse a sailors! Ephesians 4:29 says not to let any "unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." It doesn't matter if everyone in the room is swearing, a Christian has no excuse to talk in such ways. I've even heard Christians tell me that its alright every once in a while, if you get really really mad or if its in private. That doesn't have any support from scripture. 

Those two things in particular have just been really getting to my heart lately. How can we be the salt of the earth if we so frequently compromise are witness? We aren't set apart if we are blending in by how we act. We have been given a higher calling. Let us rise above and achieve it.

The name Christian literally means "little Christ" and as Christians we are representing Christ to this world. Have you ever heard this expression?: You might be the only Jesus that they ever see. If we represent Christ in such a wretched way by how we act and speak in public, then how can the world ever see a clear picture of who he is? I'm not trying to say we must be perfect, but we have a higher that too many of us are not living up to.

So ask yourself, "Am I set apart?"

In His Holy Name,

1 comment:

  1. great points! there's also a section in James that talks about taming our tongues. that's what made me realize i needed to stop cursing. :)
