10 March 2010

Dream Big: An Essay on Living for Christ

This past Sunday I was sitting at Realife listening to a missionary from Africa tell his story of what God has done in Tanzania. Stories like these are the rally cries of the Christian faith. When we see someone living big we are inspired. We hear passionate preaching and resonate with it. And then we move on. We forget. We don't actively choose to live big.

I can think of a plethora of reasons for this; fear, unbelief, forgetfulness. Regardless of the reason, we lose out on  any impact we could have had. -Now back to Realife- This missionary told an inspiring story that stirred our hearts, and offered everyone a pretty cool opportunity. His ministry needs teachers for the schools that they are building in the villages of Africa. He gave out little cards to anyone who asked and encouraged the students to consider working with them in the future.

He gave out a lot of cards that night. I myself took one as well. My fear is that the dream stopped that night for the majority of those who took the cards Sunday night. For most of us, we aren't called to be teachers in Africa. I know that I'm not, but I'm keeping that card on my desk as a daily reminder to do something big with my life. But I am called to do something, and so is every one of us. 

So what is stopping us from having those incredible stories? Just like this missionary's work, it doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. It often starts by listening to the Spirit's whisper and moving out in a leap of faith. Sorry that this post has been so scatterbrained, but the question I'm attempting to point towards is this:
How are you living big for God?

These incredible lives don't occur as a result of random chance, nor are they after effects of timid living.
In 1 Thes. 5:19 we are urged not to put out the fire of the Spirit. When God gives us those dreams, let us go. Maybe it doesn't look like you moving to Africa and becoming a teacher. Maybe today it means being bold with your faith, and helping to bring your friends and peers to faith in Him. Maybe its planning a fundraiser for kids in Haiti.

Dream big. Simply existing is not what God has called us to in this life. He wants big things from us. I know that when I'm not thinking of big things, my focus quickly diminishes to myself and my petty problems. When you wake up and look in the mirror tomorrow morning, ponder this. How can we live big for God? For everyone it looks different, but the end result can and will change the world. A life that leaves a big splash in the pool around it will be a life well lived. How can you make a splash?

Think about it and thanks for listening,

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