20 March 2010

Vacation: An Essay on Paradise

Howdy Texans! I've finally arrived back on solid ground; that is to say I'm no longer walking along the sandy beaches of Southern Florida and the Keys. What a trip! I got to experience so many amazing things and had so much fun. I did begin to learn a bigger message than I could have anticipated, Paradise.

40ft under the ocean, albeit I got pretty cold, I saw some really cool stuff. A pair of stingrays, a ton of fish that changed color, and lots of awkwardly shaped coral. I even scraped my foot on one of them, oops. I caught a huge barracuda, and saw a breathtaking horizon as the sun lowered in the sky and hung poignantly above the waves. To top it all off, I sliced through the waters at 55mph on a jetski and felt the wind sting my face (it wasn't snowboarding but it was the next best thing comparatively). Topped it all off with a visit to the spectacular Miami beach.

So all of that was the set up, here's my punch line. All of these adventures had two things in common. 1) They were events in my life that were a lot of fun, I sincerely enjoyed each one. 2) They all took place on earth.  Both statements, I'll admit, are pretty straight-forward. But they point to a much deeper reality than many would look for. 

As to the first; Happiness is all good and well, but happiness does not bring Joy. Regardless of how we'd like it, God's goal in life is not our happiness. You won't find that anywhere in the His Word. God doesn't promise happy lives, if he did, then His power really doesn't hold much water does it?
Any man can seek his own happiness, that's easy. Continually surrendering to a God who wants what's best for us? Now that is hard. I could go further on this, but for now I will refrain as my focus pertains to the ladder of the two topics.

As to the earthliness of the events, that is my focus - sort of. As I enjoyed the sights and excitements of Florida, God continually was beating on my heart. I heard the Spirit whisper, "I have more than this for you." Millionaires retire down in Key West and buy out multi-million dollar houses with views of the sunset that claim to be the best in the world. That is to say, that this part of the world is quite nice by our standards. But God has more in store for us. 

I've gone from the top of mountains and now recently to the bottom of the sea, and all of creation groans out in shouts of praise for its Creator. It's as if every wave exclaimed, "Look at how beautiful God is!" Maybe Florida isn't your place, it certainly isn't mine. Maybe its the mountains, or the rain forests of South America, or the grasslands of Africa. The common line in them all; God made them.

As men and women, we seek locations that appeal to us. We like pretty things. We find what we like, and we label it "Paradise". It's a shame.

Creation was never meant to satisfy. It shouldn't ever be enough of for us. Romans 1:20 says that it was meant to show us God's qualities and his heart. It was never mentioned to be idolized. Later, in Romans 8, creation is described as being in wait for God's restoration to this world. Only on that day, will we the true purpose of creation be grasped.

Creation was created to point to God. Consider Jesus' words in Luke 23:43, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise." This is said to the thief who has done nothing to earn God's favor, to the thief who was being crucified alongside God.

This is the Gospel: That we are the thief in our story. Jesus was killed for our sins, and we have the opportunity to be in Paradise with him. All we have to do is ask. Jesus' version of Paradise is more wonderful than any petty definition that man can give it on this side of eternity.

What is your Paradise? Where do you go to find joy? If your answer is anything but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, you will never find the rest you seek. Jesus died so that you could find that rest. As great as this world is, only God himself is Awesome. He's waiting to welcome you home, just ask.

I hope to see you in Paradise someday,

1 comment:

  1. That was sooo good!! (makes me wanna delete mine!) Amazing:)
