03 April 2010

Forgotten God

Book Review

Premise: (Back Cover)

"POWERFUL. When was the last time someone used that word to describe you?

It doesn't make sense that Almighty God would have children characterized by fear and insecurity. He put His Spirit in us so we could be known for our power (Acts 1:8, 2 Tim. 1:7). Sadly, most believers and churches are known for talent or intellect rather than supernatural power. What's worse is that we're okay with it.

Could it be that we've forgotten the One who distinguishes us from every religion and cult in the world?

Through solid scriptural support and compelling narrative, breakthrough author Francis Chan returns us to the Holy Spirit as the Bible describes Him. He reminds us that we were not created and saved merely to survive our time on earth. Chan contends that we've ignored the Spirit and are reaping the disastrous results.

It's time for the beloved church of Jesus Christ to reverse the trend of neglect. Let's pursue the Spirit-filled like of effectiveness God desires and we desire."

What I liked: This entire book was dead center. The Spirit was clearly at work when Chan penned these words. He looks at what Scripture has to say about the Holy Spirit, God we have seemingly put on a shelf and ignored. Read this with the right mindset and spirit and God will change you.

What I didn't like: The worst part about this book was also its strongest part. What made this book hard to read was how accurate it was. Words were said that were hard to swallow. The truth is, I'm not following the Spirit like I should be and this Godly rebuke stung at times. I know I'm not the only one in this boat. Be prepared for a hard read, but it is so worth it.

Favorite Passage:

"I think a lot of us need to forget about God's will for my life. God cares more about our response to His Spirit's leading today, in this moment, than about what we intend to do next year. In fact, the decisions we make next year will be profoundly affected by the degree to which we submit to the Spirit right now, in today's decisions. It is easy to use the phrase "God's will for my life" as an excuse for inaction or even disobedience. It's much less demanding to think about God's will for you future than it is to ask Him what He wants you to do in the next ten minutes. It's safer to commit to following Him someday instead of this day."

Random Passage:

"What if you could hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and He asked you to literally give everything you owned? What if He asked you to sell all of you possessions and give the money to the poor? Could you do it? Before you start explaining why He would never ask that of you, take a moment and answer the question honestly. It's not out of His character to ask for everything."


If you're looking for a book that will force you to take God, and especially the Holy Spirit, seriously, then give this one a try.

In Christ,


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