15 April 2010

6 Weeks: An essay on Opportunity

We all came into this school year with expectations. Everyone has an agenda they would like to accomplish, even if you say you don't have an agenda - if so your agenda is to not have an agenda. I digress, ahem. Anyhow, each of us set out wanting to accomplish things with our life.

For all of us, I hope one of our goals was to be closer to God. And for many of us, we've come to realize that something of that magnitude doesn't happen unless we work for it. Maybe God has blown your mind in so many incredible ways, and maybe you only wish He had. 

If you're in the first boat, and God hasn't really rocked your world yet, here is your opportunity. We have six weeks of school left. To equate this with a marathon, we're in the final 100 meters. It's time to run harder than ever before. I know for myself its easy to say that I want God to change me, but I don't actively pursue Him and allow Him to work in my life. If you find yourself wishing these pasts months could have had more meaning than they did, don't let your dissatisfaction carry over into the last month or so.

For all of us, we have an opportunity. Even if God has been overwhelming you, there is always room for more.
We don't have much left of this school year. The good news is that God isn't pinned down by time. He isn't ever limited by our lifespan (or attention span for that matter). Imagine what God could do if you spent this final stretch of the school year earnestly seeking Christ and living out the Gospel with your life. Lives can be save, worlds changed, and eternal impact made. All we have to do is choose to answer the call He has on us. Regardless of how we have been living, He calls us to more. 

So if your faith has been stagnant lately or if it has been on fire, you can still lay it all on the line for the rest of this school year. Dive into the word. Change the world. Just because life might have been wishy-washy before doesn't mean it can't be life changing now. The past can only bring down the future if you dwell on it in the present.
Focus on now. Life for God today. And then tomorrow, do it again.

God didn't give us a spirit that quit when it got tired or was frustrated. Instead He gave us a Spirit that was larger than our lives, a Spirit that moves in us to change hearts. Live out the call.

Finish Strong.


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