22 April 2010

Unbreaking Love

So I've spent the majority of my time this week reading my Bible, which is why I haven't really posted much of late. So this will just be a blurb about what God has shown me through a couple of key verses here and there.

Genesis 13:4 - "This was the same place where Abram had built the altar, and there he worshiped the LORD again."

Now you've gotta take that last verse in context to see where the beauty of it comes in. Where is this "same place" that is being referred to? Before this time, Abram (later Abraham) had built an altar and worshiped the Lord there. When times got hard and there was a famine, he fled this sacred place and went to Egypt. While in Egypt, he told everyone that , his wife, Sarai (later Sarah), was actually his sister. This got him into quite a bit of trouble when the Pharaoh took Sarai to be one of his wives. When Pharaoh figured this out, he was furious and threw them both out of Egypt.

And after that big mess, after Abram's screw-up, he returned to God. Abram went right back to where he and God had left off. He picked up from there and kept going. There is the beautiful part of this. Whenever we sin and make a mess of things, we don't have to do anything before we are able to return to where we were with God. We can just start over where we were. This shows that none of us are ever unreachable. God doesn't ask us to clean up our sin before we come back to him. Abram sure didn't he came back to that place with a mess on his hands. And God loved him enough to restore their relationship.


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