03 April 2010


So this is Easter weekend, and I'm quite honestly a bit annoyed rather than excited. Easter is the traditional holiday where Christians (and pretty much everyone who believes something God-ish) goes to some sort of church and thank God for coming to save us. My question is what makes this Sunday so special?

Please don't answer, A) Jesus died for our sins 2000 years ago and this is the day we celebrate it. or B) Because if everybody knows that you have to go to church with your family on Christmas and Easter.
I'm writing this after being prompted by a book which inquired as to why Christians live like God doesn't exist. And that's quite honestly how I view this "Holy Week".

For a few, we get all excited and celebrate the true meaning of the day, and there isn't anything wrong with that. But it seems to me as an excuse to be religious. People all over follow all the rules and thank Jesus for being the little baby from the manger that grew up to become my get-out-of-Hell-free card.

There isn't anything wrong with celebrating the good that Christ has done for us as Christians. But why do we limit it to Easter? Can't we talk about the Resurrection in November too? How bout May? or January? 

How many of us remember to thank God for being who he is? I know personally its a lot easier to just ask Him for things and thank Him if we get what we want. I'm not worthy for Christ's sacrifice. Yet he loves me all the same. That gift is mine to celebrate always, not just once a year.

After Easter is done, are we going to forget the God we claim to be working for?
I sure pray that we don't forget Him.
We need Him. Everyday.

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