30 December 2011

Risk Taking

"The tragic hypocrisy is that the enchantment of security lets us take risks every day for ourselves but paralyzes us from taking risks for others on the Calvary Road of love." - John Piper from Don't Waste Your Life.

22 November 2011

Unity: Thoughts on 1 Corinthians 1

Totally blown away by Jesus this morning, and it's been a wonderful day! God stirred my heart to open up to 1 Corinthians and just start soaking it in. A few verses in particular really stood out namely verses 10, 17, 23, and 30 all from chapter 1.

23 October 2011

Victory in Christ

I've been meditating a lot lately on this story from 1 Samuel 5:1-5 (here). In this passage we see what happens to the Philistine god, Dagon in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant. Leading up to this encounter, Israel has wrongfully decided to go into battle with the ark at the forefront as it usually was. The ark was captured and taken as spoils by their enemies.

15 September 2011

The Welfare of Your City

I was super encouraged by Jeremiah 29:7 this morning which says this:
"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."

19 August 2011

Celebrity Jesus

As I read through the beginning of Matthew 21 this morning, I couldn't help but laugh at the odd position that Jesus had found himself in. The obscure, homeless, Galilean peasant was now the center of attention in Jerusalem, the cultural hub of the day. The people are bowing at his feet and telling others "Jesus is here! Yes, THE Jesus!" In only a few years time Jesus has gone from marginalized to celebrity status. Everyone knows about who he is and what he's done.

15 August 2011

Choosing the Cross

Continuing in Matthew 16 (first section here), finishing the chapter with verses 24-28. I found that it flows remarkably with the theme of the previous verses (13-23) that I discussed in my last post (here). Our last thoughts there left us with the question of what to do now. How do we remedy our misuse of authority?

After continuing on, I believe Jesus gives us the answer. We used our authority, which was given by God, to argue for our sinful desires. We choose to value our impurities over the thoughts of God. How do we overcome this? Only by laying down our own agenda and picking up a heavenly one. Many of us have heard this snippet from Scripture several times, but it came to life when I saw this connection to the rest of what Jesus says [Quick aside: Context Is Everything]. Denying ourselves shifts our purpose from our selfish desires to God's plans. Our thoughts are replaced by Kingdom thoughts.

10 August 2011

Misplaced Authority

I was reading in Matthew 16:13-23 this afternoon and wanted to share. Verse 18, referring to Peter, says "... on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

Here Christ promises us, as the church, ultimate victory. Knowing the end should influence how we live now. I know I have heard countless sermons on this subject. Beyond that repetition, I studied eschatology this summer. Eschatology is the study of the end times. This is only relevant to us because it is meant to spur the church onward. To follow the commands of Christ and spread the Gospel to the world.

In the same breath, Jesus also promises the keys to the Kingdom to the church. The key symbolizes ultimate authority. Only with the key, can one open the gates. What does that mean for us?

06 August 2011

Core Values

What are your core values?
Have you ever given that much thought?
Simply, what standard do you measure your life against. What do you want your life to look like? There are plenty of buzz words that I could throw out: service, passion, sacrifice, giving, grateful, adventure, God, others first, love, joy, etc...
If you've never considered core values, I would urge you to ponder it. It's nothing miraculous, simply something to measure the course of your life against what you would like to see in your story.
I use my values as a measuring stick. Right now I am sitting down and beginning to go through my summer to see how it lined up with my desires.

Think about it. Maybe you have three, maybe you have six. It doesn't really matter. As long as you are able to use them as a tool to steer your life in the direction you want to.


01 August 2011


After working for a youth ministry this summer, I have seen very clearly that all good ministry comes from an overflow. Dylan Lucas, the lead student pastor that I am working with has often mentioned this concept, and I find it to be true.

Let me unpack this concept a bit. The concept centers around the notion that as ministers, we are a cup waiting to pour out what we can to those we minister to (which in my case, was youth). What wisdom, truth, and spiritual insight we have to convey to students is merely what flows from us. We pour ourselves out for others in an effort to train them in righteousness and exhort them to lead holy lives. This necessitates that we have something to give. "Every good and perfect give comes from above" (James 1:17). With the presupposition that no part of us is good (cf. Romans 3:11-20), we must admit that we have nothing to give. Wisdom of men is "earthly, unspiritual, and demonic" (James 3:15).


26 July 2011

But He Gives More Grace

First a disclaimer; to all of those in Faithbridge's College Ministry this may seem nothing more than a recapitulation of this evening's message. That aside, my reason for writing this is for my own processing. I find that the most penetrating of all truths are discovered through teaching and sharing those same truths with others. To teach is to teach oneself.

Now to the point. Tonight we turned to James 4 and let the Word have its way with us (Read it here). It really comes to the point in verse 4, in which James simply calls his readers (that is, us) adulterers. The truth is that we as Christians are identified as the Church, the bride of Christ.

08 July 2011

Touching the Clothes of Christ

In Luke 8:40-48 Jesus is walking through the crowd on His way to the house of an important ruler whose daughter has died. On his way, a woman (who had suffered from a blood discharge disease for twelve years and gone to countless doctors and had yet to experience any breakthroughs) reached out from the crowd to touch even a small corner of his clothes. Scripture tells us upon contact, the blood flow stopped and she was healed.
Presumably sensing power going out from Him, Jesus asks the crowd, "who was it that touched me?". With that context, we look at verse 47;
And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before Him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched Him, and how she had been immediately healed.
My first question I pose to you, readers, is this: why do you think Jesus asked "who touched me?" Perhaps the simplest answer, because He didn't know who had. Although possible, I would consider this unlikely in view of God's questions posed throughout the rest of scripture. Often when questions from God appear throughout the bible, they are not posed in search of an answer, as to enlighten God. God already knows the answer, and thus the question is usually asked for the audience's sake.

From that perspective, it would appear that Jesus wants the woman to speak out and declare her actions before the crowd. As we have established, this was not for his knowledge, but I would instead contend that the purpose was for her experience. It was most certainly as well, a test for her faith as well. Jesus has done something for her that she did not earn, and now He asks her to tell everyone around her what He has done. Sounds oddly familiar to the call that Jesus has on the lives of 21st century Christians as well, doesn't it?

Just like the woman in this story, we have reached out to Jesus and been healed. Our desperate condition of eternal death that was approaching, has now been destroyed and replaced with eternal life. Jesus asks us, "Who came to me?" with the intent of an answer before the people. We are in the same position as this woman, and are forced to consider our response. Will we wait in awkward silence and allow Our Lord to stand before the crowds and appear to be crazy as others mock Him with jeers of "No one touched you, Jesus. No one follows you."?

Our lives are meant as a testimony of God's work in us. Your story is meant to be a testimony of the goodness of God in human history. Pray over this challenge from scripture. How do we need to alter our response? If we remain silent, then who will testify of the work in our lives? We have orders to be witnesses for the nations! But how can they believe if no one tells them?

Jesus asks you, in front of everyone you know, "What have I done for you?".
What is your response?

07 June 2011

If Forgiveness had a Price Tag

If forgiveness had a price tag,
I'd be worse than broke
I'd work all day
for my redemption.

If forgiveness had a price tag
I'd live in shame
Broken and hurting
with no hope of rescue.

If forgiveness had a price tag,
nations would crumble
The world would erode into
Discord, the norm.

If forgiveness had a price tag,
love would be bound.
Hidden from me
My heart in pain.

If forgiveness had a price tag,
Christ would pay it.
He'd be my ransom.
His blood is my price.

Forgiveness had a price tag,
and it has been paid.
Today I walk
Sending grace to others.
For my bail has been posted,
and my hope is sure.
Grace was meant for others.
the way of God.


01 June 2011

Matthew 5:20

"For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:20

Jesus is a pretty straight forward guy isn't He? On first glance, it would appear that the bar has been raised higher than we can reach. That would be correct. Jesus knows just what He said, and He wants to get the crowd (and you) thinking. Righteousness, for many, is obtained from following the rules and living as closely to the Law as possible. The Pharisees in particular, based their entire lives on being perfect in obedience to the law. Their hope was this: if I obey everything in the Scriptures, God will count me righteousness enough to enter Heaven.

Pharisees (both today and 2000 years ago), Jesus has news for you. You can't do it. Christ intentionally made a point that the righteousness you had was not enough to gain entrance to the Kingdom. You could waste your entire life trying to earn, but trust Jesus when He says that it's beyond your reach. Paul echoes this in Romans 3:10-11 as he writes "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God."

That realization must be reached to move forward. The painful truth is that many of us are still caught up in trying to earn holiness. We struggle with laziness - so we ask Jesus to take it away as we lay on the couch watching tv. We have can't seem to stop spending our money on wasteful things, and we promise that we will stop - after we purchase this one last item. But we buy and buy and buy. We know God sees how ugly we are, so we try and clean ourselves up before we come to him.

The mind then begins to wonder, declaring, "There must be another way." That's what Jesus was hinting at.  Christ took the religious system of the day and flipped it on its head. He does the same today. The church, quite often is left open-mouthed and confused. No longer can institutions created by man facilitate the growth of righteousness. Instead mankind is left with nothing to make itself worthy.

That's what makes grace scandalous. You see, everything about the word grace is unfair. We receive the righteousness for free without earning it. Jesus faces death so that we can obtain the gift of Heaven that is beyond our reach. You see Jesus not only raised the bar. He also lifts those who seek Him up to it.

This is not a call to rejoice in our worthiness. This is a time to marvel in our worthlessness. Open your eyes. Look at God through the lenses of grace. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God"

For the Righteous One,

10 May 2011

Freshman Year

I'm getting some goosebumps as I write this. I'm excited, and I don't know what to say. I'm not even sure what I think about this year yet. Its been good, and its been long, and its been worth it - praise the Lord. 

This is by no means a holistic account of everything that has happened, but merely a brief overview of the change that the Lord has been doing in my life. I could tell testimonies for days and days, and feel free to ask to hear them! But for now, I give you a general account of the adventure that was my freshman year.

Entering into college I had been told that it would be a challenge to keep my faith. If that's the statistic, then I sure wasn't part of that norm. The first week in College Station God led me to my church home at Antioch and I immediately started plugging in. 

The first semester was a whirlwind thanks to the fire of the Holy Spirit. When I got baptized in the Holy Spirit at the begging of the Fall semester Jesus started to do crazy things with me. As Zach Rodriguez would say, God was hitting the "Increase Button" as more and more blessings and giftings were poured out on me. With all of this change there wasn't ever really time for me to take a breath and adjust to actual college life. My faith always had me living on the edge, and I kind of miss that at times.

Winter break came and then the spring semester started. The slow down was just enough to make me stop and review all that had happened. As I compared my desires to where I actually was I began to slowly grow discontented. There was so much that I hadn't asked for from God that He had given me, and there was so much that I wanted God to give that simply wasn't there. That would be the theme of this semester, and would create a season of intense honesty with God. I wasn't happy with how everything was going, so I took every opportunity to be real with Him and let Him know. I've learned how blessed we are to have a Father who loves us with God-love. There is nothing better.

Just as I start to settle in with what God is doing, the time to leave for the summer is upon me. I sure haven't gotten a full grasp on God's timing yet. This has been a year of intense spiritual molding. I have constantly felt like clay in the hands of the Potter.

This year has been a year of transformation and revelation. I guess my year can best be summed up with this refrain:
 "I want to feel Your heartbeat inside of my chest. I want to know Your truth. I want to know Your love."
That's what my desires are. I want to experience God and know him on a deeper level. I want to live a life with such reckless abandon that I am obedient to the Truth. I want to be a disciple that bears fruit. I want to live out the Word. I want walk in the fullness. I want to live Matthew 10:8, healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing lepers, casting out demons and freely giving all that I have received.

And it's all about love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2.
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing."

I'm not there yet, but I'm on my way.

in love,

02 April 2011


After a rather intense week I've finally settled down enough to share input from my experiences.
God has began to challenge me to walk in obedience. God wants to use us, if our hearts are willing. Have you considered that He doesn't ask us to understand everything? Rather, He asks that we simply follow His instruction faithfully. Jesus himself led a life of obedience to the Father. That doesn't mean that He never asked God questions (will you take this cup from my hand?), but regardless of His desires, He wanted to do the will of God.

Who's authority means the most in your life? Are you obedient to your own desires? Or are you obedient to Christ's all-encompassing authority?

25 March 2011


I just have to tell everyone what God is doing in my life. These past two days have been crazy. Yesterday it all started with God telling me to share the Gospel with the local atheist group and got more intense at lifegroup. We were sharing stories of what God had done of spring break. Since, Antioch had just gone to Baton Rouge on a mission trip that week, many of the stories focus on the trip. That's where things started to get crazy.

You have to watch this story from Rachel before you read any further, it's just ten minutes, and God shows just how powerful He is! http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1967884600888&subj=690657722

Wow.... There must have been fifteen or twenty testimonies of God performing healings through them. I was so excited for them. Internally though, I still thought they were more than I wanted to handle. Jesus was moving, but I'd prefer to not have to deal with that aspect of His ministry. Others were walking in that gift of healing, so not all of us had to right?

After testimonies, we had a time of response, and then came an extremely powerful time of prayer and encouragement. Those who desired specific gifts and movings of the Spirit came to those who were walking in that area already and prayed together. People were praying for everything, it was amazing. Then God began to work in me. Chris came and got me to pray for him for prophecy. He also asked Claire to pray for boldness in him and Rachel to pray for the gift of healing. As Chris was explaining all this to us, the Spirit began to convict me that He wanted these things for me too.

So Rachel and Claire prayed over Chris and I for the gift of healings and boldness, and that was that.

I woke up today feeling more connected to the Spirit than I have in the past year. I went throughout my day, which was admittedly long and tedious at times, but then met Aaron at military walk with my djembe and we began to worship. As we played we gradually drew a crowd of other believers around us and one of them asked to play, I said sure and took a break from playing to sing and praise. It was then that an Indian couple walked nearby and sat down at a bench and began to glance at us frequently. After a few minutes Jesus came to me and said, "How much more do I have to do, Matt? They're right in front of you!" So with that I went.

I talked with them for a few minutes and shared the entirety of the Gospel. It was the first time that I had really been bold enough to present the full truth of Jesus and not just ask to pray for them. I'd never been that bold in my life. I'd been fearful to approach one person, let alone two people. Further still, they were definitely not Christian nor did they seem to have heard much of the Gospel ever before.

From there it got crazier. We went out evangelizing an hour later and God led me to Walmart with Chris. While there we saw a guy with a sling on his left arm. We doubled back to talk to him and asked him what had happened. He was a Christian, and was really encouraged to talk with us. He said that it was in fact his collar bone that was broken. When we asked further, he revealed that He had a form of cancer that gradually wore away the strength of his bones. Instantly, I spoke to him saying that God wanted to heal him. He was going to start with the collar bone and then He was going to take away cancer. I prayed for a really really long time. It was a spirit-driven prayer that was so spot on that I don't even recall all of what I said. God told me that He was in the process of healing him. We declared freedom from sickness and disease and asked God to give clean scans on his next trip to chemo. I have faith that God is going to be faithful. He's healing him of cancer! Wow. God also healed depression and bitterness in his heart as well. Talking with him afterwards it was clear that God was in the process of completely healing every part of his being.

I figured the gift of healings that I was asking for would be just the "simple", you know, praying for headahces and twisted ankles, bruises and bumps. God right away set the bar high. He said, you thought you were praying for a bum arm, but I want you to pray for healing from cancer. Cancer? really God? Yes, Matt. I'm big enough, now walk in faith.


So in the past two days I've shared the Gospel multiple times. Today I approached people with a newfound super natural boldness and prayed for healing over cancer. And I believe in faith that God will honor my boldness and bring these people to himself. Jesus is going to add to our number every day those who are with us in the Kingdom. He's going to use us, the ordinary, to perform the extraordinary.

Ask. Seek. Knock.
I'm still learning, but it's looking good so far.

28 February 2011

The Beginnings

I have recently started studying the Sermon on the Mount with my lifegroup this semester. This past weekend as I started to read the very beginning (Matthew 5:1-16), a question occurred to me that I hadn't ever though of before. Why does Jesus begin His teaching with the Beatitudes?

I've found this question fascinating. Why would Jesus beginning argue arguably His most famous teaching by gathering the disciples and beginning a list? This is a highly anticipated moment in Jesus's ministry, so why does He choose to begin it in this fashion?

I have considered several answers, but I want to stir your mind as well. What do you think? Why does Jesus begin the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes? Comment here or send me a message. Hope you find this thought provoking and challenging.

in Christ Jesus

21 January 2011

A Word for this Semester

The Spring semester of 2011 is upon us, and we are about to continue further on the road of faith. We will be tested and tried, but never will we be without hope. Greater things are in store for us, and we must press in to the Father for our strength. Take this scripture to heart, and let the Word of the Lord guide you:

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. - 1 Peter 5:6-10.

This is a promise from God, himself. No matter what you face this semester, God has already determined the outcome. Ultimately, God will lift us up. Victoriously we will approach the throne and we will boldly and confidently accept our place at His right hand. That being said, we must live with this end in mind. Knowing that we cannot lose, our fearless faith must rise to the forefronts of our lives. Stress and worry do nothing but disqualify us from the Gospel we claim.

Satan wants to scare you. The prince of this word has planted seeds of doubt and insecurity around. Even this very moment, you are being observed by the enemy. Do not live foolishly, but instead stand protected by the Word and a community of faith. It is within this community that we will receive live giving truth.

God is on our side, we have nothing to fear. Stress by definition is a fear of the future. God has determined how your future will play out. He knows your grades, your friendships, your job, and your very soul. You can't hide anything from Him, so give it all away. Humble yourself and let Jesus take all of you. Let Jesus carry you. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
