06 August 2011

Core Values

What are your core values?
Have you ever given that much thought?
Simply, what standard do you measure your life against. What do you want your life to look like? There are plenty of buzz words that I could throw out: service, passion, sacrifice, giving, grateful, adventure, God, others first, love, joy, etc...
If you've never considered core values, I would urge you to ponder it. It's nothing miraculous, simply something to measure the course of your life against what you would like to see in your story.
I use my values as a measuring stick. Right now I am sitting down and beginning to go through my summer to see how it lined up with my desires.

Think about it. Maybe you have three, maybe you have six. It doesn't really matter. As long as you are able to use them as a tool to steer your life in the direction you want to.


1 comment:

  1. This is something I'd say my whole summer's been focused around. It's good to hear you're pondering it as well, keep the good work up bro.
