01 August 2011


After working for a youth ministry this summer, I have seen very clearly that all good ministry comes from an overflow. Dylan Lucas, the lead student pastor that I am working with has often mentioned this concept, and I find it to be true.

Let me unpack this concept a bit. The concept centers around the notion that as ministers, we are a cup waiting to pour out what we can to those we minister to (which in my case, was youth). What wisdom, truth, and spiritual insight we have to convey to students is merely what flows from us. We pour ourselves out for others in an effort to train them in righteousness and exhort them to lead holy lives. This necessitates that we have something to give. "Every good and perfect give comes from above" (James 1:17). With the presupposition that no part of us is good (cf. Romans 3:11-20), we must admit that we have nothing to give. Wisdom of men is "earthly, unspiritual, and demonic" (James 3:15).


if we want to offer anything of value it cannot come from us. It must come from the Father of Heavenly Lights, God himself. Since we are but vessels that hold God's Spirit inside of us, we must be inviting him into our lives so that we can then pour Him out to others. So this is my question to you: Are you living from an overflow?

The answer should be fairly obvious, as you should know the difference between what it feels like to be full of the spirit and spiritually "running on fumes". The latter comes when we try and use a mission trip experience, a church camp, or a great night of worship to empower us to follow Christ. While these are not bad things in themselves, when the experience becomes dated... say it happened 3 months ago, a year ago, 5 years ago...etc, it begins to lose its power. You cannot live a Spirit-led life if you're depending on an experience you had in your distant past. We must be renewing our minds day by day (Romans 12:2). When we renew our minds, we bring fresh dosages of God's Spirit into our lives. We fill our cup. 

Living from an overflow is a discipline that takes time to learn, and a lifetime to master completely. Nevertheless, it is absolutely critical to do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5) and every other work to which we were appointed (cf. Eph. 2:10). 

So, how do you ensure that you have an overflow?

For me, it is best in my current season to meet with God first thing every morning. My first thoughts each day our for the Lord, and He rewards me with fresh encounters day by day. Beyond my daily routine, I have the good fortune to be surrounding myself with authentic community and fellowship during the day. That is just a part of my how God is renewing me in my life. Worship with/without music, fasting, corporate prayer, being involved in a bible study, and many things I have not named do well to nourish our souls.
Comment below and let us encourage each other (1 Thes. 5:11). I want to here what you are doing to fill your cup. How do you live from an overflow?


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