02 August 2010

Adaptive Expectations

Hello again blogosphere. Now that I've had some time to process my adventures in Baja, Mexico I feel it pertinent to share it with you, my readers, so that you will share parts of my experience as well as God-willing learn something from what I have to share. To catch anyone else up, I went on a two week mission trip in July to La Paz, a city near the tip of the Baja peninsula in what turned out to be the middle-of-nowhere, Mexico. It was a great trip. We spent the first week working on a ranch with some incredible missionaries and then spent the final stage of our trip kayaking in the Sea of Cortes. I have plenty of stories, just ask me.

Now as with all mission trips, there is a certain expectation that is placed on them. It seems that everyone knows these unwritten rules about what mission trips are supposed to do. Mission trips are supposed  to change your life. Mission trips are supposed to rock your spiritual world and transform your soul. Mission trips are supposed to bring you back to God, no matter how far you've been.

I don't know where these expectations came from, but we all know that they are very real. Yet, why is it that I sit here and seem to see so little life change? Why is my spirituality still constant? Why am I just as far from God as I was before I left? Here is a better question: why do we forced our conjectures upon an Almighty God?

You see mission trips will rock your world in that special way, if God wants them to, and only if He does. We have no control over that. As Christians in our culture we seem to live for camps, retreats, and mission trips to fill our cup for just long enough until we make it to the next event. We grow to lazy or selfish to feed ourselves. We count on these "mountain top" experiences to be enough to keep us afloat. The Christian life has turned into a survival and not a battle.

But, God does not waste opportunities. He is always teaching us. Sometimes, we must adapt our expectations to meet the need He sees in us. That's what I had to learn this time. You see for me, God hadn't planned a grand spiritual awakening. He didn't speak word of prophecy over my life. But I have found that's just fine with me.

Spirituality isn't enough to make us people of God, so we mustn't limit our scope of successfulness to such a category. Anyone can be spiritual, and if you don't believe me, ask around. When we strip ourselves of our preconceived notions, we are able to look beyond any disappointed and truly see what God has in store for our eyes in the moment.

For me, I needed my life to be give more clarity. I need something to strive toward tangibly. Through this need I have discovered what are beginning to become my five core values. Passion, Intentionality, Adventure, Seeking, and Significance.

Passion: I want to be enjoying everything that I do. I want to be sure to be moving in a direction that ties in with what God has purposed me towards. I want to fulfill God's specific call on my life.

Intentionality: I don't want to waste any time that God has given me, I want to live out His Gospel with every part of my life. I want to make every relationship, conversation, and action display a purposeful and intentional desire to be Jesus to the world around me.

Adventure: I was created to be a risk taker. I want to do things others would call impossible. I want to live a life outside of my comfort zone. I don't seek danger, but I am more than willing to wrestle with it head on.

Seeking: I have an attitude that desires more, specifically when it comes to my walk with the Lord. I'm never at my finishing point on this earth. I want to be aware of that and I want to continue thirsting for more. I refuse to settle in my life for simply existing where I am, there is more, and I strive to continue searching out for more always.

Significance: Plain and simple, when my life is done, I want to have made a difference for Christ. I want my life to be so dynamic it is unforgettable. And I don't mean that its all about me, because clearly all of me strives to point towards Christ Jesus. I want a life that matters, not just existence.

So sure, I didn't experience that crazy growth that many connect to missions, but I don't care. There were moments on the trip that I will always remember. There were moments that will affect my life in the near future. Stories will be told. Laughter will be shared. But it all comes back to this adapted expectation.

Jesus does what He wants, no matter what you want. I learned some practical things about my life that I needed to know for who I will become. It wasn't as flashy or as dramatic as expected, but heck, I'll trade my expectations for His goodness any day. He goes above and beyond anything we could ever expect.

Keep you mind open to what God can do. Don't give up because you're stuck in a rut... still. Keep the faith, follow after Him. He wants you to continue to be increasing in your life, but not just spiritually. 2 Peter 1 tells of so many areas we must always be growing in.

I leave you with this. Don't be afraid to cast aside your own expectations and let Christ do what He wants. He is always in line with the plan the Father has created. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. His way leads to true life.

thanks for reading,

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