25 August 2010

The Acts of the Apostles: An Essay on Boldness

Last night I hung out with my hall and watched a movie and got to know everybody. I can tell that they are going to be a fun group to be around, and this is going to be a great semester. We're all average college students, but Christ calls those who declare themselves to be followers of the Way to look radically different than what the status quo would account for.

In my devos this morning I read from the beginning of Acts, which is a very convicting and very applicable passage of scripture for my life right now. If you think about it, the disciples are going out to the people right outside their front door and preaching the Word boldly. Acts 3:12 says the Peter saw his opportunity and jumped on the chance to tell his community about Christ, crucified and resurrected. 

The disciples hadn't embarked on any missionary journeys yet, they were in their home town simply following the instructions of Christ. For me, College Station is my home, and this campus is my mission field. Let the truth of Acts 4:33 be said about my life, that I testified to the power of the Gospel with my very life. The thing I admire most about Peter is that he was an ordinary fisherman without any specific training (Acts 4:13) yet they preached the Gospel with such passion and severity that everyone was forced to react to them. As a Christian, your life should carry with it such influence that the people around you are forced to respond. My greatest fear for the Christian community of today is that they will become "ineffective and unproductive" (2 Peter 1:8).

Pray for passion. Pray for boldness. To all my collegiate buddies out there, pray that you would be a powerful testament to the Gospel of God's grace (Acts 20:24). In order to do this, we must combat our sinful nature. That means casting aside the fruits of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21) and trading in our stained heart (Jeremiah 17:9) by continuing to transform our mind through immersion in the scriptures (Romans 12:2). It doesn't matter if you don't feel "called" to spend time in the Word. We aren't called to sit on the couch and watch tv, yet that seems to be a recurring theme in our lives. Read your Bible and let the power of God transform you. The Word of God is active! (Hebrews 4:12) and it will transform you.

Our mission field is right in front of us, and God has equipped us with everything we need to be His light to those around us (Ephesians 2:10). Christ impacted this world in such a way that we are forced to respond to His life. What is your response? Will you choose to accept his commission to us (Matthew 28:18-20) or will you choose to live in fear?

I've made my decision, and I pray that you step out boldly for Christ in your community today.
I challenge every single one of us to begin to pray for the people we come in contact with every day. Pray for your roommate, your suite mate, your hall, your dorm, and more. Pray big and accept the challenge of Christ. We are the body, let us move as one.

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