09 July 2010

Prayer Points

Prayer Points – Baja Mexico Team 2010

Just to keep everyone in the loop. I'll be going to Baja Mexico with a team of 10 students for two weeks starting July 11th. We'll be working with LeaderTreks which means it will be much more than just a mission trip. Here are some ways you can follow us in our journey and support us through prayer.

1 Peter 4:11. "If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

Daily Prayers
            Pray for:
·         Vulnerability between team members and unity for the team as a whole.
·         Wisdom for all members.
·         A willingness to take risks.
·         Spiritual growth.
·         A lasting impact to be left on ourselves and others.

Sunday July 11th
·         Pray for protection and safe travel for the group as we fly into Mexico and then drive to our site in La Paz.
·         Team – Pray for the food team, led by Steven. This is our grocery shopping day and it is very critical we purchase all the necessary supplies. Pray for discernment and wisdom over this process.

Monday July 12th
·         Pray for a quick adjustment into our new surroundings and a strong first day on the worksite. Also pray that as we promote the VBS on this day that as many children as possible are able to attend.
·         Team- Pray for the work team, led by Allie D and Alex. Pray for boldness and confidence as they pioneer the first day on the work site. The team needs this strong leadership to follow.

Tuesday July 13th
·         Pray for team unity and vulnerability among all members. Let all walls preventing communication be removed starting with team time and continuing into all aspects of the day. Pray that we become fully united.
·         Team- Pray for the ministry, led by Bennett and Lauren. Tuesday is the first day of VBS so please pray for flexibility and patience as they direct the team and minister to the local children.

Wednesday July 14th
·         Pray that the team would settle into a rhythm that is effective. This requires precise time management and coordination. Pray our schedule flows seamlessly.
·         Team- Pray for the adult leaders, Ash and Abby. Pray that God would continue to show them the specific roles dynamics they play into the team life. Ask for wisdom and guidance as they help the team continue in the right direction.

Thursday July 15th
·         Pray that as a team we would press on towards specific goals and continue to take risks as we move forward on the worksite and at the VBS.
·         Team- Pray for the worship team led by Nathan. Pray that he would be able to encourage and energize the team by bringing a contagious worshipful spirit everywhere he goes.

Friday July 16th
·         Pray that the team is able to finish strong in all areas. Also pray for joyful spirits and encouraged souls that will be confident and satisfied in the work we accomplish.
·         Team- Pray for the cleaning/water team led by Allie R and Ryan. Pray that they enable the team by promoting a “leave it better than you found it” lifestyle in all aspects of the day.

Saturday and Sunday July 17th-18th
·         Pray for a refreshing and relaxing weekend so that the team will be restored and ready for the challenging kayaking week ahead of them.
·         Pray for intentional relationships and intentional conversations so that the team would continue to grow closer to each other relationally.
·         Pray for the student leaders, Matt and Steph. Pray that they specifically would be emotionally and mentally refreshed. Pray that they would be able to effectively lead the team through this transition and into the week ahead of them.

Monday – Thursday July 19th-22nd
·         Pray that the team would rely on God’s strength and develop perseverance and endurance in the strenuous wilderness conditions.
·         Pray that the team would individually be more in step with the Spirit and willing to embrace new growth and change.

Friday July 23rd
·         Pray for safe travel on the way home.
·         Pray that the team would continue to impact everyone around them for Christ. Pray that the missional lifestyle continues on even as the trip draws to an end.

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