05 July 2010


I read through the Gospel of Matthew this week and I couldn't help but notice a continual pattern. Jesus' followers were willing to risk everything for Christ.

Joseph, upon discovering his future wife Mary was pregnant, obeyed the command of the Lord that came through an angel and married her anyway. When God came to him again and told him to flee to Egypt, again Joseph went immediately.

The first two disciples Simon Peter and Andrew, upon Christ's command to "follow me" dropped their nets and began to follow him. They were willing to leave their occupations, their source of money and livelihood, because Jesus asked them for everything.

Jesus tells Peter to come to him on the sea of Galilee. He responded by stepping out onto the raging sea to meet his Lord.

These are only a few examples of men who really grasped what it meant to follow God. I think the difference between them and the Christians of modern day is their boldness. They were willing to step out on faith and risk everything.

How many of you have heard something like, "I just want to know what God's plan is for my life"? This sentence in itself isn't bad, but too often with this question comes inactive people. Jesus has already given us plenty of instruction, but many of us perpetually sit at a crossroads.

Take a risk for the Gospel today. We might like a blueprint to our lives, but the odds are we aren't going to get one. Don't let your life hang in the middle, make a stand and be willing to answer the call of Christ.


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