17 January 2009

This is the Life

People always throw around the maxim "Live your life to the fullest,," and to be truthful it does partially stem from a biblical background. In John 10:10 Jesus says "...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Culture tells us to "grab the bull by the horns" and to take what is yours. But that is all based on the assumption that we have a life to live.

So matt, thats kinda confusing, cuz I'm pretty sure I'm alive. Well, I mean, biologically speaking you're alive. You have breath in your lungs so you are living. But that doesn't mean you have life. Life comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But that isn't the point i'm trying to make here. Yes, Jesus is the source of life, but even beyond that, he determines how long each of us will live our earthly lives.

I received word an hour ago that one of my best friends had gotten into an accident. I had little details so all I could do was pray. I thought back to the last major wreck I had heard of involving people I knew. It didn't end so well. So as i started mulling this over in my head, God just kinda began to remind me of some things.

1) We aren't promised that we will ever see tomorrow.
- We can't take the air we breath for granted. When God told us that we would have life to the full it did not mean that we would have what we would classify as an "amazing life." He meant that our faith in him would bring us to the fullness in life, eternal life, which does not come on earth.

2) It isn't about us.
- Life isn't about what we do. We can't impress Him with a plethora of good works. We have absolutely no say in what he has planned. We are helpless. He will use us for His purpose and then we will be gone.

3) Only one relationship matters
- Friends come and friends go. People come into your life and leave it. Sometimes it comes in tragic ways life a car crash or what have you. But in the end, we have our ties to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and our tie to the Son of Man. We never lose our connection to him and even if our brothers leave life here on earth, we will be one day reunited. But on that day, will we be thining about them? i certainly hope not. No, we won't be rejoicing for them, we will rejoice at the sheer sight of the King of Glory seated at the right hand of God Almighty.

With that in mind, don't waste your life. We are transient beings, here one day and gone the next. Do God's work for His mission, then you will reach that fullness of life, and will be one day, reunited with Him.

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