01 January 2009

The New Year

so today's the new year, i didn't really think about making much of a resolution or anything. but i figured, heck i bet i could go a while without cokes. so i figure it'll be better for me in the long run right? so i guess that's that. my new years resolution is to drink less cokes (soft drinks ie. rootbear, pepsi, dp, sprite, mountain dew.) why? well i'm not really a health nut, but i just figure, why not you know? so thats about it. just letting you know. i don't drink them much anyhow.

in other events, i burnt a hole in my pants last night with some artillary shells, that was pretty funny. i guess i just love blowing stuff up? ah well, all guys do right? if they don't...then they should.

speaking of blowing stuff up and such, when me and my dad were trimming the trees in my backyard today, my dad started taking off this large limb (about 6 inches in diameter) with lots of branches sticking off and such (at least 12 or so ft long). so it started to fall off and landed on our neighbors orange tree...but it was still hanging on by a thin strip of wood...so my dad took the extendable chainsaw (yes, i got to use it too, i love chainsaws) and cut the rest off...and then it fell
and by fall, i mean, right on my fence and there was a extremely loud crack and posts went flying everywhere and my dog freaks out (he's such a chicken) and runs inside... i burst out laughing because at this point i am standing in the neighbors yard throwing branches over and my dad is directly across the fence taking the limb down. it smashes the fence in between us and i am looking through what used to be my fence right at my dad and it was just pretty funny. so my mom runs outside freaking out and is just like "what in the world did you two do..?" and we both just started laughing.

other than that not too much to report. thanks for reading, the three of you who actually do that is. peace


  1. http://www.bibleplan.org/

    make this your resolution. its mine


  2. I read it, so I guess that makes 3 people, right?


    Rev. James F. Robinson V
