06 January 2009

It only took 6 days

6 days isn't a very long time is it?
no it really isn't. but thats all its taken to wear me down and burn me out in this new year. calculus is just as painful as ever, school is long, and then i just can't sleep til i feel like it anymore. so all in all life is just too hectic right now. but that's kinda what i knew was gunna happen, junior year just royal stinks right now. and i'm talking entirely-school wise. cuz i'm freaking stoked about everything thats going down with LeaderTreks and Costa Rica and Bible Study and stuff such as that. and i'm getting to play bass trombone which is something i've always wanted to do, and i'm going to start learning guitar here soon. so those all seem to be upsides. i'm not getting discouraged cuz i know God's got my back, i'm just worn down to the point where i can't do it anymore it seems. you know the feeling? so we shall see what happens in the following weeks but i'm not the most optimistic person. thanks so much to all my friends for keeping me sane these past day or two. everything's just a bit ridiculous. it doesn't help that i have to start figuring out this SAT junk and trying to decided what my schedule is going to look like next semester, wow...now i just realized i'm totally just venting....this acccomplished nothing productive and i wish i'd find something insightful to put up here....i'll get around to that soonish.
ajdfakhdfajkshfadsjkhfdjkahfd, i'm a mess, but i'm giving God all i can, and thats exactly what he asks for

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