26 January 2009

We Need Each Other

I think I caught a glimpse of
Life without friends
Bitter, empty, hollow, dark and lonely
We never meant to hurt each other
So Can’t we trust again
And take it as a chance
To keep on growing

I don’t know why it doesn’t come easy
But I know that we could be happy
If we’d only learn to love

Oh oh we need each other
So what’s the fighting for
Oh oh we need each other
Please don’t close the door
Oh oh we need each other
Through all the highs and lows
Oh oh we need each other
‘Coz no one’s meant to live alone

Life revolves around the need
Of having someone
Causing every complicated feeling
Oh and I don’t want to loose you
And there is nothing wrong with
Telling me what you need
To keep our love strong

It’s just a part of being a family
Taking the good with the bad and the ugly
If we could only learn to love

Oh oh we need each other
So what’s the fighting for
Oh oh we need each other
Please don’t close the door
Oh oh we need each other
Through all the highs and lows
Oh oh we need each other
‘Coz I don’t want to be alone

Oh Oh we need each other
Fathers and Mothers
Oh oh we need each other
All your sisters and brothers
Oh oh we need each other
We need friends and lovers
Oh Oh we need each other

Well I need you
You need me
‘Coz that’s the way
It’s meant to be
I need you
We need each other
i don’t want to be alone

Well I need you
You need me
‘Coz that’s the way
It’s meant to be
I need you
We need each other
i don’t want to be alone

Genesis 2:18 says "The LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" this song hits straight from God's word. We aren't meant to be solitary creatures, we were built to commune with the Father and to have community with one another. Christian fellowhship is critical to our walk with God and our lives in the long run.

Just wanted to say a quick word on this idea about accountability. Get it. Get what? accountability. for those of you kinda unsure about what i mean let me just break it down for you using a personal example, for lack of another one. When i sin, and am convincted; when i promise God to read my bible 4 days a week, and don't do it; when i set a goal to attend church every week, and decide better of it; that's where accountability comes in. We need someone in our life to audibliy tell keep us in check and challenge us to succeed. We as humans are competitive in nature, so when we are challenged to reach a goal, we are more likely to step up to the task at hand. And we don't like to disappoint, so get somebody to impress. but you know i dont mean it like that. Get your best friend and ask eachother daily how you are doing in your walk with God, challenge eachother to step up. because if you don't have that accountability in your life, you will absolutely NOT, make it on your own. first off, cuz we need Jesus, secondly, because we are incapable of following him solo, we aren't strong enough.

just a word

17 January 2009

This is the Life

People always throw around the maxim "Live your life to the fullest,," and to be truthful it does partially stem from a biblical background. In John 10:10 Jesus says "...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Culture tells us to "grab the bull by the horns" and to take what is yours. But that is all based on the assumption that we have a life to live.

So matt, thats kinda confusing, cuz I'm pretty sure I'm alive. Well, I mean, biologically speaking you're alive. You have breath in your lungs so you are living. But that doesn't mean you have life. Life comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But that isn't the point i'm trying to make here. Yes, Jesus is the source of life, but even beyond that, he determines how long each of us will live our earthly lives.

I received word an hour ago that one of my best friends had gotten into an accident. I had little details so all I could do was pray. I thought back to the last major wreck I had heard of involving people I knew. It didn't end so well. So as i started mulling this over in my head, God just kinda began to remind me of some things.

1) We aren't promised that we will ever see tomorrow.
- We can't take the air we breath for granted. When God told us that we would have life to the full it did not mean that we would have what we would classify as an "amazing life." He meant that our faith in him would bring us to the fullness in life, eternal life, which does not come on earth.

2) It isn't about us.
- Life isn't about what we do. We can't impress Him with a plethora of good works. We have absolutely no say in what he has planned. We are helpless. He will use us for His purpose and then we will be gone.

3) Only one relationship matters
- Friends come and friends go. People come into your life and leave it. Sometimes it comes in tragic ways life a car crash or what have you. But in the end, we have our ties to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and our tie to the Son of Man. We never lose our connection to him and even if our brothers leave life here on earth, we will be one day reunited. But on that day, will we be thining about them? i certainly hope not. No, we won't be rejoicing for them, we will rejoice at the sheer sight of the King of Glory seated at the right hand of God Almighty.

With that in mind, don't waste your life. We are transient beings, here one day and gone the next. Do God's work for His mission, then you will reach that fullness of life, and will be one day, reunited with Him.

07 January 2009

Filling up the tank

It's been a while since i've been on and thrown out a blog worth reading so here is another attempt; hope it works out.
So lately life has been kinda ridiculous. It's just been one of those seasons. I'm not in the zone. So i'm kinda working out how to figure this all out with that being said. I remember when Paul talked at realife about having your train of fact driven by thought with emotion following. It's making more sense everytime this runs around. So whenever you don't feel like you have that emotional connection going with the Big Man it doesn't mean he's deserted you. It's actually an opportunity to prove our allegiance if you will. Although, that is not really the right terminology. cuz whenever we're not on that mountain top and we feel like we're screwing up more and more, we're not really thinking that we are as close to him as we usually are. but we keep coming back cuz of Christs redeeming love. we can't always explain it, but he's always welcoming us back. and that's one thing that i think growing up in our generation has done to us negatively. we have our mission trips and our church camps and our DNOWs and are retreats for this and that. But what do we have inbetween? nada. So whenever we experience that "spiritual high" at camp or on a retreat and we return back to the real world, we're bound to come back to reality sooner or later. and with these events set up like they are i feel we kinda live from event to event sometime and we depend on that particular speaker and that particular worship section to fill us up for the rest of the year or however long we need. we kinda treat our spiritual life like a car, we stop every once in a while and fill up but we end up pushing it to the next stop don't we? i mean really, if we're honest when we reach that valley in our walk we are pushing our car of spirituality, and it is only when we see that gas station looming on that horizon that we begin to try and get the car up and running again. but spirituality is not a car, so we shouldn't treat it like one.
when we get to the valley, not if but when, we have to be prepared to get out of it. and we can't do it, thats the key right there. we have to turn everything that we've been holding onto to God and let him get us out of our mess.
so thats kinda what i'm trying to teach myself again right now. i'm in a rut and only Christ can save me, so i'm turning it all over to him. sure my quiet times and such won't jump up exponentially, but a slow climb will get me out of the valley and back onto steady ground, and God can take it from there too.
hope this made sense

06 January 2009

It only took 6 days

6 days isn't a very long time is it?
no it really isn't. but thats all its taken to wear me down and burn me out in this new year. calculus is just as painful as ever, school is long, and then i just can't sleep til i feel like it anymore. so all in all life is just too hectic right now. but that's kinda what i knew was gunna happen, junior year just royal stinks right now. and i'm talking entirely-school wise. cuz i'm freaking stoked about everything thats going down with LeaderTreks and Costa Rica and Bible Study and stuff such as that. and i'm getting to play bass trombone which is something i've always wanted to do, and i'm going to start learning guitar here soon. so those all seem to be upsides. i'm not getting discouraged cuz i know God's got my back, i'm just worn down to the point where i can't do it anymore it seems. you know the feeling? so we shall see what happens in the following weeks but i'm not the most optimistic person. thanks so much to all my friends for keeping me sane these past day or two. everything's just a bit ridiculous. it doesn't help that i have to start figuring out this SAT junk and trying to decided what my schedule is going to look like next semester, wow...now i just realized i'm totally just venting....this acccomplished nothing productive and i wish i'd find something insightful to put up here....i'll get around to that soonish.
ajdfakhdfajkshfadsjkhfdjkahfd, i'm a mess, but i'm giving God all i can, and thats exactly what he asks for

01 January 2009

The New Year

so today's the new year, i didn't really think about making much of a resolution or anything. but i figured, heck i bet i could go a while without cokes. so i figure it'll be better for me in the long run right? so i guess that's that. my new years resolution is to drink less cokes (soft drinks ie. rootbear, pepsi, dp, sprite, mountain dew.) why? well i'm not really a health nut, but i just figure, why not you know? so thats about it. just letting you know. i don't drink them much anyhow.

in other events, i burnt a hole in my pants last night with some artillary shells, that was pretty funny. i guess i just love blowing stuff up? ah well, all guys do right? if they don't...then they should.

speaking of blowing stuff up and such, when me and my dad were trimming the trees in my backyard today, my dad started taking off this large limb (about 6 inches in diameter) with lots of branches sticking off and such (at least 12 or so ft long). so it started to fall off and landed on our neighbors orange tree...but it was still hanging on by a thin strip of wood...so my dad took the extendable chainsaw (yes, i got to use it too, i love chainsaws) and cut the rest off...and then it fell
and by fall, i mean, right on my fence and there was a extremely loud crack and posts went flying everywhere and my dog freaks out (he's such a chicken) and runs inside... i burst out laughing because at this point i am standing in the neighbors yard throwing branches over and my dad is directly across the fence taking the limb down. it smashes the fence in between us and i am looking through what used to be my fence right at my dad and it was just pretty funny. so my mom runs outside freaking out and is just like "what in the world did you two do..?" and we both just started laughing.

other than that not too much to report. thanks for reading, the three of you who actually do that is. peace