24 December 2008

The TRUE meaning of Christmas

So a quick briefing before i get started. I just got back from a remarkable Christmas even sermon given by Ben Stuart. great guy, leads the largest college ministry in the country at Texas A&M...Whoop!! anyhow, he opened up with this text so read it before i start retelling the story. so click on the links and read up before you get to the rest of the blog.

Isaiah 8:19-9:7 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%208:19-9:7&version=31

Luke 1:76-79 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%201:76-79;&version=31;

briefed? alrighty lets hit the message. **just a quick note, i'm stealing most of this section from Ben's sermon, cuz it was great stuff, but i am not completely retelling and i'll post a link to his sermon ASAP**

So what does the media define Christmas as? the media says that Christmas is about caring, about giving to those in need. Christmas is about creating joy. It's about us making the world a better place, its all our work. what does this really mean? Christmas is a demonstration in the media of how we try and save the world and save ourselves.

So what is the true message? The world is a dark, broken, corrupt place, and Jesus is the light. The darkness has even permeated into our own beings. We know this because everyone in the world, Christian and non, will agree that there is a moral standard or code by which we ought to live. and no one has entirely kept this code. we are broken. we can't fix us, we are trapped in the dark! 

But here comes the good part. the good part is not that a baby was born and we can all be happy, granted that is still important. But that isnt the context we're looking at. The God of the Universe sends his only son, into obscurity to save the world. There was a saying in those days, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" It was pretty much a run down hick town with not much majesty or allure. But the God of the Bible sends our Lord into the lowest of Lows so that in 33 years or so later...he can be exalted to the highest of Highs.

So what does this mean to me? Darkness has overcome us. We are hopeless and helpless. But there is hope, wanna know why? Because in John 1 Jesus, the Word, is called a light. And the best part about light, is that "Light always wins." Even in the darkest of dark, pitch black, the smallest ray of light will shine through. There will never be an instance where there is too much darkness to see the light, its the other way around entirely.

**that was a paraphrase of some of what Ben said, the rest from this point is just me and what i got from the sermon**

This is the true story of Christnas, that the world is fallen and broken, and that we have a God who is willing to step into our world, and save, Jesus the Christ. He is our savior and on that night, he revolutionized what love is. So when you think of Christmas from now on. Don't think of just the babe wrapped in swaddeling clothes, lying in a manger, think of destruction. Think of Pain. Think of Murder, of Stealing, of Lieing of Cheating, of Hurt. Think of the WORLD. (1 John 2:15-17), and only after you have thought upon that, can you begin to understand the severity of what the Christmas Story that you have heard since before you could walk, really means. Jesus stepped into human history to save the world. to - save - the - world. 

So as i sat in my chair and thought upon this. How the light is what has saved us from eternal darkness, i began to write the lyrics to a song i had heard for the first time in 9th grade. It is entitled, You are the Light, just think upon the words.

You are the Light

The world lost in darkness 
Dying to see the sunrise 
Savior will come 
Heaven is waiting 
Glimpses of mercy fading
A savior will come 
Waited so long 

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one 
The savor to all is with us tonight 
You are the light. You are the light.

Bow in your presence surrounded by angels beaming
A savior has come 
Candle to lead us 
Flame to destroy the darkness
Light of your love 
Messiah has come 

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one 
The savior to all is with us tonight 
You are the light. 

Now the whole world will not be the same
Cause love has come down and grace has a name
Name of the child is Jesus Christ 
You are the light. 

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah 

You are the light Bethlehem's son 
Hope of the world the glorious one 
The savor to all is with us tonight 

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one 
The savior to all is with us tonight 
You are the light. 

Now the whole world will not be the same
Cause love has come down and grace has a name
Name of the child is Jesus Christ 
You are the light. 

You are the light. You are the light. You are the light.

really consider what the lyrics are saying. i fight the urge to cry after i see this every time, and i can't remember a time where i have not shed tears when this song is played at worship. i know friends who gave their life to Jesus after hearing the truth in these words. this song is lifechanging. simply spend some time unpacking what this song says and what it means. This song captures the true meaning of Christmas. You are the Light

Merry Christmas Ya'll


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