25 December 2008


"Take it all, 'cause I can't take it any longer.
And all i have, I can't make it on my own.
Take the first, take the last,
take the good, and take the rest.
Here I am, all i have, take it all."

just a short lyric from the song Take it All by Third Day, off their newest album Revelation.
it just kinda hit me this afternoon, i had a Revelation if you will, haha, bad joke but anyhow...
but for real, i was playing madden and listening to the CD cuz i just got it for Christmas.

and i wasn't really focussing on the words much, but it did have a catchy tune, so i replayed the song and i listened to the chorus. and it hit me. that should be our Anthem as Christians shouldn't it.
we are lost in the darkness, but God sent his son, that we may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).
its not our life to live, its ours to give. our life should be a mirror, to reflect Christ by how we live, and that starts by focusing ourselves on Christ so that we can fully reflect his goodness. How do we focus? "Here I am, all i have, take it all."

here's a link to more info about the music and third day

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