27 December 2008


i started writing the 16 random things about me note...but decided i'm not much of a random person.well, thats not true, i mean i am random but thats not really how my mind works....
i can't just congure up randomness, it has to hit me, thats why the majority of my posts just kinda spontaniously errupt from my soul. thats a fun phrase huh? yeah it is, don't disagree.so anyhow, i'm here to offer up a report of how my life's going, and by how life's going, i just mean a couple of thoughts that i've been having of late.

so as i have previously mentioned, Third Day's new album is pretty much crashing through and reconfiguring my soul; that in combination with Messy Spirituality. And so as i listened last night at 3 o'clock in the morning to the song Ready, i just started to think of all of what God has been showing me.

"I want the world to turn because of love and the mercy to find each of us, doing what we can to just believe. I want the world to know that you're the one who fills me up and gives me hope and bring about this change that's in me, Oh I'm ready, you know i'm ready. Can't sit around waiting for the world to change, its gunna take every single one of us doing what we can..."

that just kinda hit home even stronger last night/this morning. Life is hard, its messy, and sometimes all we can do is just feebly try and hold on to God, to just believe. And that belief, no matter how seemingly small, can be harnessed by the Father to tame the nations. yeah, when YOU are struggling to see which way is up, God can and does use you to change lives.

So the little bit of encouragement i offer is this. We all struggle, but just give all you have to God, let him Take It All (another song by Third Day from their new album). But do not dispair, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." (Hebrews 13:2).

And one final tidbit, encourage one another daily

Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.

never underestimate the power of encouragement, even when someone is "on the top of the world" in their walk, a little bit of encouragement does wonders. even when you think you're fine, it always shows you more of what God is doing in your own life. It shows you who you are, and so much more. Live your life as a service to others. So thanks Kenzie for showing me that again today. and thats all i got now folks, peace out


1 comment:

  1. Good stuff man, good stuff.
    Yea dude, if you're gonna put you're faith into anyone, God's the One and you can't just go half way, it's gotta be you're all.

    And encouragement's a powerful thing, i could probably be dealing more than i do right now.

    Good blog man, keep it up.
