24 December 2008

Jesus Christ - Good or God - All or Nothing

Jesus Christ is on a short list of people who have claimed to be God. Yet some people don't believe that. Some people just think he was a good guy, a prophet, a man of their own God(s) but not God himself. I was listening to Mark Driscoll, a pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and he brought up a very interesting point.  please feel free to listen to what he has to say, i'll leave a link to the sermon.

If Christ wasn't God, he was one of two things: insane, or evil.

The first option, insane; is laughable in this instance. Most Historians agree, Christian and non; that Jesus Christ was a remarkable man who marked the turning point in all of history. The majority of the world believes that Christ was absolutely sane and not a madman.

So if Christ is sane, he is either God with us (Emanuel) or absolute evil. I'll unpack the ladder first, becasue it seems to be the most curious. Bare with me here. If Jesus Christ was not God, even though he claimed to be God then what did he accomplish. He led billions into the darkness. He told them to pray to him and He would forgive them of their sins. He told us that narrow was the path to the Father and that he was the only way. So if this was not true, he deceived the world. He would be a advocate of the Devil.

But thankfully for us, he is God in the flesh. 

this might have been lacadasically thrown together, but at hopefully you get my point. Christ cannot just be good. He must be God or a demon. Pure Good or Complete Evil. How could a good man, lead one third of the world to their doom? unless...unless he really was the Son of God, the Good Shephard, the Prince of Peace, the Slaughtered Lamb.


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