20 June 2010

Dear Prayer Warriors

THIS PAST TWO WEEKS HAS been pretty crazy. I had Collide JR/SR retreat (which was incredible. So glad I got to know Jonathan Bailey and just hang out with my brothers and sisters).  Then I became a certified diver (three days of diving for that in Dallas). I got back, did a full day at church on Sunday and then had Cinco Seis all week. (thats our Fifth to Sixth grade VBS-style week. I was the rec leader. Everyone loves the rec leader. It was sweet. I even got a ref jersey to complete the epicness). Even before that was done I left for yet another retreat with my freshman buddies. Swam, saw Toy Story 3, had some good conversations, did a whole mess of intense work at Surfside on our service project for Adrian, got lost on the way home, ate pizza directly before playing dodgeball, got home. Sunday did some mission trip work, lots of church, Toy Story 3 with the family (yes I've already seen it twice), and now I'm about to pass out.

The common denominator missing from that entire previous paragraph is rest. I'm uber lacking in that department which leads me to two more serious issues. Temptations are harder to fight when you're weary, and I've been having some hard days of late where victories are hard to come by more often than I'd like. Also my focus is waning. My mind should always be fixed on the things above, but earthly concerns have begun to affect me more and more. The good is that God has been at work in my life! He's shown me so much more about who I am becoming and my obligations to my friends around me. I've been diligent in keeping with reading the Word and I'm trekking through it again right now, hoping to finish up the minor prophets before the mission trip.

This is where you come in. If you're a prayer warrior and you just have a particular passion for this form of worship I ask this: put me in your daily prayers. I need strength and focus. Let the Spirit direct you in the rest of my needs else feel free to ask me. If you are the kind of guy or gal like me that forgets often to pray for people then do this: pray right now. Like stop reading this, shoot up a thirty second request, and be on your way. God hears all prayers and He loves to answer the call of His children.

God has so much good in store for me this summer, this support will go a long way. I don't mean to sound needy, but I know that I can count on ya'll to have my back. If you've ever appreciate anything I've had to write here, feel free to consider this a return investment for any wisdom you have received.

I love you guys,
Thanks and God be with you.

15 June 2010

Represent: An essay on Philippians 2:14

Hey readers, it's been a while!
I'm afraid my summer posts will be a bit more scattered due to my pretty busy schedule, but I really do want to keep ya'll updated. What with a retreat and dive certification last week I didn't have a chance to use a computer. So here is my thoughts for today.

Philippians 2:14 says this, "Do everything without arguing or complaining..." I was really hit hard by this verse today. I had a lot of people come to me complaining and arguing today, and I got really frustrated. My immediate response was to call up a friend of mine and complain about all the people that were complaining to me. I was just fixing to do that when I remembered this verse. What is it to me if others are falling short of this command God has given us? The important thing is that we take it upon ourselves to maintain this attitude of Christ in our daily lives. As a Christian, we are never off duty from representing the Gospel of Jesus. Never. No exceptions.

When you get frustrated because your plans aren't working out...
don't complain.

When you're singled out or left behind...
don't complain.

When you're rebuked in a godly manner...
don't argue.

We're the representatives of the Lord of Heaven's Armies on this earth people! If we don't act differently then what is the point? Follow Jesus or don't. He'd rather have you on a side then sitting in the middle ground.

We all slip up because we're fallen people in a fallen world, but the man/woman of God perseveres. We will always struggle with taking the high road and not dropping into complaints and quarrels, but we have the obligation to struggle well.

A fellow representative of Christ,

06 June 2010

Open the Gift

I'm really blessed to get the opportunity to share my summer with Abby and Danny Garnett, the youth interns at my church. This morning at our Junior High service Abby talked about taking the gift of salvation and doing something with it. After all, being a Christian is something that comes second nature to many of us - we just are, and we always have been. I echo here, Abby's challenge that she gave this morning: "Open the gift, dive into it, and experience God's plan for your life. Take the risk, it's worth it. I don't recall the name, but the lyrics to one of the worship songs this morning said something along the lines of don't tarry until you're all cleaned up because then you won't ever come. We're never going to have it all together, but we don't have to, just open the gift.


02 June 2010

Amazing Faith: An Essay on the Summer

I know you've all seen the sport movies with the pivotal inspirational coaches speech. It's half time, the team is losing, and the coach convinces the team to believe that they can win. He tells them that they might not be the most talented, but that they want it more. Here is my valiant attempt at something of that sort:

We have set before us a great opportunity. The summer that we have been waiting for has finally arrived. We stand on the precipice of change. The determining factor is whether or not we will search for that change and progress forward in these hot months ahead. I would say that it is fair to say that many school-enrolled Christians really get a boost from this time of the year. We have our camps, mission trips, internships, and so on and so forth. We definitely get our fill of Jesus, and come August, we are ready to be that light in our school for Christ.

If I'm honest, I've grown to expect that sort of change during theses precious weeks of freedom. Every Christian grows over the summer right? Over this school year I have heard a resounded critique to that wishful statement. Growth is certainly attainable, but it starts with an investment. I would equate it to a poker game (bear with me, this is a flawed analogy). In a game of Blackjack, the player only stands to gain what he chooses to wager. If he bets $10 then he should for no reason expect a payoff of $100, that would be irrational. Our summer expectations should fit into place with this picture. The amount of faith we are willing to invest in Christ determines just how much and in which direction we will have the chance for growth.

Okay, so I know our faith isn't rationed into poker chips, so how does this pan out realistically? I maintain that the closer You are to Christ, the greater chance you have for growth. It only makes sense. Now don't misread this as me limiting Christ in any way. He is certainly able to do anything in any person's life. But in general, He works in those who are willing to work with Him. The Enemy certainly knows this, which is precisely why he attacks all the more vehemently when God's people are moving in big ways. If you want to hit a home run, then you must first step up to home plate. Expecting something that you haven't worked towards only leads to pipe dreams and wasted time.

What is it going to be?
If you want to experience God's glory, He will show you. He promises us greater things than we can imagine. Jesus said himself that we have been given the chance to do greater things than even He was able to do on earth. Do you believe that? If you aren't available to God, the chances He uses you are slim. When we place ourselves in sweet surrender at the foot of the Cross, the possibilities are endless.

I want that kind of summer. I hope and pray that you desire it as well. Read the Word, meditate on it, pray without ceasing, worship with your life, fast, love, be Christ to this world. The possibilities are endless.

Take me up on it,