23 January 2015

Musings on Matthew 2 and the Magi

Lately I have been following an in depth study of the book of Matthew (via YouVersion) and this morning the study focused on the story of the Magi. Two different themes appeared to me:

1) God is faithful

Isaiah prophesies in Isaiah 11:10,

“And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse,
Who shall stand as a banner to the people;
For the Gentiles shall seek Him,
And His resting place shall be glorious.”

The Magi come from the East to visit the Lord Jesus in fulfillment of a prophesy spoken hundreds of years beforehand.

2) We are called to respond.

We don't know where the Magi came from or how long they journeyed to get to Jesus. What we do know is that when Herod gives the order later in Matthew 2:16 that all male children under the age of two are to be killed - Jesus was likely around that age.

The Magi traveled from a long way away, and although it was difficult and taxing for them to make their way into the presence of God - their desire to worship Jesus was so great that they made the journey.Herod was near to Jesus much longer than the Magi, yet he had no relationship with the God that came to save the world.

Today, the Holy Spirit promises to be near to us always - there is nowhere that we can go that is void of His presence. Yet, even in our nearness - do we behave like Herod or like the wise men? Do we content ourselves with being "close enough" to God while maintaining our own kingdom in spite of the Lord of Creation? Or do we press on at all costs, doing whatever we can and traveling any distance to be with Jesus? Convicting, but good.


Lord Jesus,
I repent of my selfish ways. I have sought to exalt myself and have kept myself from your presence - believing that my self-sufficiency would be enough to keep myself well. I was wrong, I need you. Please break down the barriers in my heart that have kept me from you and restore in me a desire to travel 500 miles just to be with you.

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