28 August 2013


I've taken a brief hiatus from blogging at the end of this semester; life sure has gotten crazy! I don't know how regularly I'll be writing nowadays, but I have been going back through my journal and rejoicing in the good work that the Lord has been doing!

I don't know if ya'll have had the chance to pick up Hillsong United's most recent cd, Zion, but I would definitely recommend it! One song in particular that has been a constant prayer of mine has been Oceans (Where Feet May Fall). 

The lyrics are simple enough, but the prayer that they contain is frightfully honest. Frankly, I'm a bit intimidated by the words, but I pray them earnestly, begging God to help my unbelief. The refrain that appears more than a half dozen times in the nearly ten minute song goes like this:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me.
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior.

Writing those words gives me goosebumps! Are you willing to pray that prayer? Honestly, are you? Are you willing to beg God to take you to a place that is so foreign and unknown to you, a place that you would never have gone yourself? Are you willing to brave the unknown with the only assurance being that God is with you. It's been quite the journey, but slowly I am choosing to believe God for the impossible, the crazy, and the seemingly insane. Jesus, let me walk upon the waters, let me get out of the boat like Peter. I will go, direct my feet to where you would lead me.

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