21 August 2012

The Power of Testimony

This past season of my life has been exciting and challenging for me. I've learned much and continue to be amazed as the Lord reveals to me even the smallest of things. Something that I was reminded of yesterday and wanted to pass on was the power of the testimony of a believer.

I don't believe that I understand just exactly what  a testimony until this past spring.

Now don't get me wrong, I'd been telling my testimony for several years now. From 8th grade to college, I had the entire story down pat. And then Impact came into my life and Elise, one of my co-chairs, radically changed my view of what a testimony was meant to be. My testimony is supposed to be about Jesus. That's a no brainer right? That was my first reaction too, "of course my testimony is about Jesus!" I thought. But when I got down to the nitty gritty, I found that I had perfected the art of telling my life story and including some important parts about Jesus in it.

So when you share your testimony, what are you actually speaking about? Revelation 12:11 says that we will overcome by "the blood of the Lamb and the word of [our] testimony." The redemption by Christ Jesus that has happened in our lives is the catalyst for change in the lives of those around us. I once was told that the word testimony broken down literally means to do it again. And that's what we're asking for isn't it? When we tell our story of how the God of the Universe came down and drew us out of darkness into the Kingdom of His beloved Son, aren't we beckoning others to become a part of it?

A testimony has power, not because our lives are interesting or impressive, but because the Gospel is made known. My testimony is not about me, it's about Jesus. Examine your own and make sure that God's saving work is at the core of your story.


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