15 July 2012

On Psalm 27

I was looking for some encouragement from the Lord this afternoon and He led me to Psalm 27, and I just wanted to share a bit of that with yall.
The Lord is my light and my salvation     whom shall I fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life—    of whom shall I be afraid? (v1)
Take courage in the Lord. This world gives us plenty to worry about and if we're honest, we create a lot of the worries in our lives on our own. God is in control. I know that reminder was much needed for me this afternoon. When David is at his deepest moment of despair he commands his soul to "hope in God". I echo that prayer today. 

Lord, reveal to me the truth of Psalm 27:1. Give me peace in the assurance that your will shall be done and that my life is in the hands of a wonderful maker. I trust you Daddy, please mold me as you see fit.

Until that prayer is answer, my heart waits in this position:
I remain confident of this:    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living. (v13)
Wait for the Lord;    be strong and take heart    and wait for the Lord. (v14)
I don't think I'm the only one who is guilty of pushing God out of the way and trying to run my own life. But He is faithful and our greatest strength comes from being in a position of humble waiting. We wait for the Lord to come through, and He gets all the glory.

Read the rest of the psalm, it carries more weight than anything I can say. Jesus, make me a man who is secure enough to wait on your Word. Give me peace of mind and soul so that I may me actively listening and eagerly yearning to hear from your mouth.


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