27 February 2010


I had the privilege, along with Nathan Spell, to represent Christianity at the Klein's annual Religious Symposium and it was definitely a success. Last year was also great, but this year had a different element to it that set it apart.

Before the Symposium started Nathan and I spent some time in prayer and simply invited the Spirit to guide us in our words and actions. And surely as He tells us to ask, seek, and knock; God opened the door to many possibilities now that we had surrender ourselves to His purposes for the event.

Each religion had their own turn to explain what they believed. There were some great speakers who really described their faiths very well, but there was still something missing. I felt the Spirit tug on my heart and he guided me to a verse that showed Nathan and I the Truth. I felt the Spirit whisper to me that the religions they followed weren't enough. I knew that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I knew he was the narrow path. Listening to my peers build the entire basis of their existence on the sand instead of the rock was hard.

My qualm is not with those who believe differently, but those who stop short of finding answers. It breaks my heart. I love you guys, and continually pray for you.

One of the questions that I took was something along these lines, "Can you follow the teachings of Christ and not believe in Him and still go to Heaven?" I answered, how can someone follow the teachings of Jesus without believing in Him? He proclaimed himself to be God, and you would call him a liar? After hearing reasonings and rationalizations in that room that seemed even to contradict themselves, I was pretty heartbroken. If you are going to put all your chips into one religious basket, then wouldn't investigates the incidences where it appears to contradict itself be worth it?

I have had my questions and  my share of doubts. We all do, no matter what we believe. I try my best to get answers and explanations. What if we stop short? What if we settle? I've seen to many people settle. Something in our culture has taught us to be passive. If something doesn't make sense, then we often ignore it.
These unanswered questions that seem to go against what we believe could lead us to more answers if only we would follow up on them.

That is why I so admire this one student that was willing to ask the most important question. She asked, "Why does religion matter?" That's the right place to start. Our answer came straight from the Word. John 10:10-18. To her, all these beliefs didn't seem to have a clear purpose. So why believe something that doesn't make sense? She took the first step on Friday and asked that question. I continue to pray that she would continue this journey. Because for all of us, if we seek the Truth in earnest, Jesus Christ will forever be the answer.

To those among the Way and those still searching,

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