16 February 2010

By Their Fruit

Galatians 5:22-23
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..."

I got this idea from a friend in a similar note. I decided to change it up a bit and relate it to spiritual aspects of people who have surrounded me in my life.

Who has taught you the most about love?
-Jeremy Wagner, I love you bro. You've really shown me the true meaning of love. The English language doesn't do it justice at all. Through your influence in my life I have seen what the love of Christ really is. Love is a brother who challenges you. Love is a brother who rebukes you. Love is the friend who is always there to encourage you. Love is intercession on another's behalf. Love is serving those who cannot return the gift. Love is sacrifice. All of this and more I have seen in your life. You have changed me and my walk with the Lord severely. I'm glad God had us collide last summer. You're the mentor that I needed to not only realize my potential but continue growing closer to achieving it.

Who has taught you the most about joy?
-Hollis Harris, I gotta give this to you. The way you life your life is inspiring. Whatever you do you do with passion and joy. Your art is fantastic, and you glorify God through your work. Even when you are frustrated, I see a hope inside of you that is thankful for the day that God has given you. Your always the optimist to my doubtfulness. I see the Spirit working in you with the way you live your life. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to do life with you. 1 Thes. 5:16.

Who has taught you the most about peace?
-Alex Phillips, we haven't had the chance to hang out much ...yet, but you have already been a firm pillar of faith in my life. I've had my share of struggle and hard times, and you have been ready to encourage me through them. For you, its all about Jesus. This world might give us the short end of the stick more often than not, but God's eternal victory gives our souls peace. You love the book of Psalms which is full of cries for God peace to come to this broken world. We've both gone through a lot alone, but someday we will experience that true shalom together. God never lets go of us. I look forward to really pursuing him together next year as Aggies. To all that is to come, thank you for all that has already transpired. Isaiah 32:17.

Who has taught you the most about patience?
-Eric Hill, I owe you a lot more than I understand right now. Throughout this entire process of transforming a student ministry, you've played a major part in transforming my life. Patience is something I've always struggled with but through your example and ceaseless encouragement I have seen Christ's perfect timing in my own life. Even when I don't understand what's going on, or wish things hadn't turned out the way they had, I am encouraged to know that God works all things for good as you always remind me. It's not about me. By the time everything gets to that certain point I will be long gone. Initially that was hard for me. Patience is coming, slowly but surely. This patience has drastically strengthened my faith and I am forever grateful. Col. 1:10-12.

Who has taught you the most about kindness?
-Stephanie Davis, your example of a servant leader is extraordinary. The heart you have to care for those in need is truly from Christ himself. Through TMAD and miscellaneous Faithbridge activities I have seen your heart for the world around you grow and grow. It is one thing to be an example of a servant leader, but another thing to have that passion of service run through your soul. When compassion is talked about in the Scriptures it always evokes movement. You go out to the world and bring the light of Christ to the last and the lost. Many times people mistakenly place evangelism as the greatest work a Christian can do for the lost, but by your example of love the world is changing. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to work alongside of you in Faithbridge and our trip to Baja this summer. Thank you so much. Matthew 9:36.

Who has taught you the most about goodness?
-Allie Drain, I see you live your life with a purpose. You live it for the kingdom day in and day out. Even during the harder days, you are there for your friends. As sinners in this imperfect world, we won't ever obtain the goodness of Christ. That perfect state of rightness in the world is beyond our grasp on this side of eternity. But through lives like yours I take hope. The truest part of your soul desires God's best for everyone. You yearn for a world as it should be. You live your life as if it is not your own. You're timely encouragement is always a blessing and your example of a Christ filled life will always challenge me. Romans 12:1.

Who has taught you the most about faithfulness?
-Nathan Spell, I have to thank you for this. You've always been an example for me in this regard. We've know each other for a long time. We've both made countless mistakes, but throughout it all you always draw back to Christ as your rock. It's clear that you have built your foundation on him and not the sand. You're willing to admit just how undeserving you are of the grace that the Father affords to us. A spirit of humility can and will be used by God. Thank you for your example in my life brother. Psalm 27:17.

Who has taught you the most about gentleness?
-Paul Thomas, you really are the gentle giant. You command respect with your presence alone, but your intimidating person is always followed by the Love of Christ. Jesus gave you power and you certainly use both the physical and spiritual strength he has give you. But it is your love for the smaller things that leads me to admire you. With all you are committed to you still stay involved in my small life. You helped the student ministry begin a drastic transformation. You use the resources you have to make a difference. You make everyone around you matter. I forever appreciative of all you have poured into my life and continue to teach me. Strong but loving. Your gentle heart continues to challenge me as I grow in Christ day in and day out. Matthew 11:29.

Who has taught you the most about self control?
-Stephen Pankratz, I don't understand how you do it sometimes but you manage to balance competitiveness with holy living in a phenomenal way. I've known you for quite a while and I admire the steadfast heart you have for Christ. You want to make life fun, because Jesus wants it that way. You always can turn the conversation right to my heart in seconds. You live your life in such a way that Christ is reflected in everything you do. You keep him at the core of your purpose day in and day out, and you always push me to pursue Him with fervor. I've seen you continue to grow and claim the boldness that Christ promised you in His Word. Keep chasing and keep pushing me. You are a true man of Christ Stephen. 2 Tim. 1:7

There are so many more of you who have shaped my life, and to you I extend my heartfelt thanks. God sees your aid in my life and will reward you in Heaven. Lets keep running the race! Acts 20:24.

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