04 July 2009

Prayer Points for Costa Rica!

As you may or may not know I'm going to be gone with my team from July 5-17 to Costa Rica and this is just some prayer points for our trip. We're going to be running a VBS the first week (mon-fri) as well as working on our work project for both weeks. We're going to be helping the community build a road which they have already started work on, I'm so excited! Over the weekend we'll be taking a short trip to some hot springs to relax and re-energize ourselves so please make sure to pray that we refocus ourselves heading into our last week. This trip is going to be great and I'm confident we won't return the same team.

Day 1

Sunday July 5

  • Pray for safe travel, pray that the team and the luggage both arrive in Costa Rica alive and well. Also that the team would be able to adapt to the new surroundings.
  • Team: Pray for the student leaders, Matt and Sarah, that they would have wisdom and be able to keep the team organized and focused by maintaining a daily schedule and keeping the team on track.

Day 2

Monday July 6

  • Pray for a good assimilation into our new surroundings, that we would be ready and willing to do God’s work both on the worksite and at VBS.
  • Team: Pray for the ministry team, Nathan and Bree, as the first day of VBS starts today. Pray for wisdom as they direct the team and also for a successful turnout.

Day 3

Tuesday July 7

  • Team: Pray for the work team, Jake and Rachel, that they will take what they learned from the first day on the worksite on Monday and apply it so that the team will have a productive day on site.

Day 4

Wednesday July 8

  • Team: Pray for the food team, Allie and Teri, that they will be able to adapt to obstacles they face that are unexpected and that the team will be well nourished.

Day 5

Thursday July 9

  • Pray for an extra push of effort for the team both on the worksite and at VBS, pray that they don’t get discouraged or tired and that they would call on Christ for their strength.
  • Team: Pray for the worship team, Matt, as the weekend nears that he would be instrumental in keeping the team focused on the Lord with all the other distractions they come in contact with each day.

Day 6

Friday July 10

  • Team: Pray for the LeaderTreks staff Renee, Kevin, and Jeremy; that they would keep the team driven and help develop each student into a better leader.

Day 7

Saturday July 11

  • Pray for safe travel on the weekend, that the team would be refreshed and ready to gear up for another week.
  • Team: Pray for the adult leaders, Niki and Jordan, that they would continue to push the team by encouraging and challenging them to not settle for just good, but aim for great.

Day 8

Sunday July 12

  • Pray for the community where we are staying, Los Guidos. Pray that we would leave a positive lasting impact and demonstrate the love of Christ with our actions
  • Team: Pray the Cleaning/Water team, Michael and Kristin, that they would lead the team well during the weekend clean and keep the house and living environment clean and organized. A disheveled house makes the team look disrespectful and is a dour living environment.

Day 9

Monday July 13

  • Pray for the entire team, that we would be mentally focused and not linger on the weekend, an unfocused team will prevent us from accomplishing our goals on the worksite and will prevent us from becoming the great team we strive to be.
  • Team: Pray for the work team, Jake and Rachel, that they would step up and delegate jobs to the team members as well as casting the vision and to remind the team of its purpose.

Day 10

Tuesday July 14

  • Team: Pray for the ministry team, Nathan and Bree, that they would engage and encourage the team and continue to play an integral role after the completion of VBS.

Day 11

Wednesday July 15

  • Pray that the team as whole unit will press on giving our all and not settle for just mediocrity. Pray that we would push through weariness, frustration, and other obstacles to show others God’s love in motion as this is our last day on the worksite.
  • Team: Pray for the worship team, Matt, that he would keep bring the team before the throne of Christ in worship, that the focus would be kept on God rather than ourselves. That any wounds would be healed and we would draw nearer to each other as we chase after God.

Day 12

Thursday July 16

  • Pray for the team as a unit, that it would be finish strong by possibly getting more real with God than they ever have before, making this trip life-changing on themselves and the other members of the team.
  • Team: Pray for the student leaders, Matt and Sarah, that they would be able to do everything in there power to push the team into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Day 13

Friday July 17

  • Pray for safe travel home, and that we would continue to show Christ’s love through our interactions with others. Pray that this trip would not be a temporary “high” but that each team member will come home changed, and willing to continue his/her pursuit of Christ on a deeper level.
  • Team: Pray for the adult leaders, that they would keep the team in order as we return home.

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