28 April 2009


Rather than sleeping like i should... i've decided to start blogging. Yeah, maybe not the wisest decision but tomorrow's only TAKS haha. I'm currently listening to Automatic by Stellarkart who i've recently been jamming to a lot recently. It's great stuff and just talks about pledging our allegiance to Christ.

Sure as a phoenix sunrise
And the yanks in the playoffs every year
You're absolutely faithful
I'm positively prone to disappear

But like I breathe
And my heart beats

I wanna love you like it's automatic
Make you into my good habit
You're the only one that really matters
Every minute everyday it's automatically ok
When I make it all about you

It's a mixed up messed up world with
An unsatisfaction guarantee

So I'm pledging my allegiance
To the one and only one
Who can set me free

Just like I breathe
And my heart beats

But I'm not a robot
Made with no thought
What's the point of living life without the will to choose
To run with the have nots
Or go with the sure shot
I'm with you

It's definitely not a complicated idea is it? Well at least when we look at it on a surface level. But deeper. Do we really want to love God automatically and make every day all about him? Of course not, we all have doubts. If we claim to never have doubted our faith it is a flat out lie. I'm not just being harsh here. The whole concept of a belief relies on the notion that we are going on faith and not on a more concrete object like sight. So when we have doubts, and we will, how do we get back to that cry?

I wanna love you like it's automatic. How do we get our hearts to instantly leap back to the Lord?
Let me hear some of your thoughts on that. I recall a passage from 1 Kings, more specifically Chapter 19 Verse 15. It's not a hallmark i'm-super-spiritual-memorize-me verse, but it simply says that Elijah went back the way he came. The preface to it: Elijah had been running from his enemies who were out to kill him because he totally pwned their entire religious system by killing all of their pagan priests and showing them a clear picture of God's awesome power and faithfulness. But when Elijah got scared and fell away from God, he went right back to where he came from.

God doesn't let us run away from our problems. He amps us up to be prepared to face them. And it usually isn't exactly in the way we expect. In the story of David and Goliath when David is preparing to face his foe, the King gives him all this armor and weaponry that is top-knotch and ready to wreck shop on anyone. That's how we think it should be done. Then God shows up, dresses David in his normal attire and sends him to take out the big man with a sling and a stone. (We think it to be fantasy most of the time, but actually it has been proven that a stone flung from a sling similar to David's would easily clear 90mph and totally smash a human skull to pieces.)

Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent right there cuz i was just listening to Ben earlier haha. But my point is this: We should want our love of God to be automatic. 1 John 4:10 says "and this is love, not that we loved God, but that he first loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." God has already loved us. We should want to love him. We have seen him do mighty works. We know that he is faithful. But why do we make our commitment to him a 50/50 deal? Our lives should scream Take All of Me!

longer than i had thought, but hey God laid it on my heart

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Matt. You should check out my buddy Bo Chancey. He is not your normal preacher. He did not go to Seminary etc. He is an Aggie. He is constantly talking and blogging about stumbling after God. His writting is alot like yours. You can find him on Myspace, facebook, or www.compasschristianchurch.com Frisco campus. Good luck on the test tomorrow. Paul
