17 March 2015

Miracles in the Modern Day

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8 NKJV)

As I read through a devotional this morning that explicitly stated that this command to the disciples should be ignored by 21st century Christians my heart was confused and I couldn't come to grips with a theology that rebuffed the supernatural. It's early and I'm off to work, so more study will be done, but I believe Gill's commentary has some powerful words that challenge me not to write off sections of scripture because they scare me, worry me, or simply don't make sense.

An excerpt from: Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible on Matthew 10:8

"Heal the sick,.... For so he had given them power to do, and this both for the confirmation of their doctrine, and the recommendation of them to men; for nothing could more evidently prove their mission to be divine, and their doctrine from heaven, or be more acceptable to men, than to "heal" their "sick" friends and relations, who were given up by physicians, and incurable by the art of man; and to do this without the use of medicines, either by a word speaking, or by laying on of their hands, or by anointing with oil, joined with prayer; and particularly to cleanse the lepers, of which there were many in Israel, who otherwise could not get rid of that disorder, and by the law were deprived of many privileges, and advantages, which others enjoyed: and especially to raise the dead, which had never been done before the times of Christ, since the days of Elijah and Elisha; and which must be allowed by all men to be more than human, and to require the arm of almighty power: and lastly, to cast out devils, the sworn enemies of mankind, and who had taken possession of the bodies, as well as souls of multitudes in the Jewish nation; all which they are ordered to do, without taking any thing of the people..."

Jesus, I have so much to learn and am not a theologian by any stretch. All I desire is to know you deeper and walk in step with your Spirit. You are a God of miracles and are not limited by what our minds can understand. You don't fit in a box and you never will. Today, strengthen my heart and challenge me to boldly declare your Gospel that moves mountains and stills raging seas just to give evidence to your supernatural love that will stop at nothing to capture our hearts. Amen. 

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