03 February 2015

Poor in Spirit or Rich in Self

Jesus in his initial introduction for the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:3 tells us, "“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

John Calvin writes that “he only who is reduced to nothing in himself, and relies on the mercy of God, is poor in spirit.” Many of us are much closer to the wealthy side of worldly possessions that poverty. It is in light of this that Calvin's statement makes so much sense to me. How often have I taken pride in what I have, what I can do, or what I believe and used that as assurance that I had entrance into the Kingdom of God. To be poor in spirit is just the opposite of that. It is to place all power and ability in God's goodness and His grace and see ourselves in light of who we are - fallen men and Nd women desperate to be rescued. How often is believing that easy? Sometimes it's hard to accurately see ourselves through the lens of Jesus - fully loved, but woefully broken apart from Him. 


Lord, I repent of believing the lie that I am sufficient in myself to gain entrance into your Kingdom. I ask for your grace - teach me to be humble. Train my mind to see myself as I am, rather than how the enemy and my flesh would like me to be. I willfully admit my brokenness and as that you would remedy my pride and fill me again with your Holy Spirit - poor in self, but rich in God. Amen

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