18 May 2012

Summer Encouragement from Romans 12:12

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer." Such simple and challenging words like these are scattered all over scripture, but it is today I find myself meditating on these few. Simple is probably the furthest from the word I mean to use, perhaps compact would better suit this occasion. No matter how simple these three phrases are to read, I know my life will be spent learning slowly how to master them.

I turn to these words in this summer season in hopes that we will strengthen together our resolve in the Holy Spirit of God who lives in us. I know that for many of those who read this today are enrolled in some form of educational system. For many, that looks like a college outside of our home town. Many of us are in a season of limbo right now. Our community that sprang to life over the last semester is scattered. Those who had been pushing us towards Christ and pursuing the Gospel daily have for the most part gone out of the scope of our daily lives. Save an occasional phone call and sporadic text messaging, we are very much so isolated.

Maybe none of that applies to you. Maybe you still live at home or perhaps work full time and don't have a three month vacation (well, some of us students are that lucky believe it or not). Regardless of your position in life, these words apply to you. Romans 12:12 is a direct command.

Three verbs tell us what we ought to do and each is followed by a specific way to do it, just in case the former wasn't clear enough in itself.

Be joyful.
Be patient.
Be faithful.

We could work on that list alone for a long time. But then God adds to it:

Be joyful in hope.
Be patient in affliction.
Be faithful in prayer.

Thanks be to God that he gives us somewhere to start. Some clarification, to those like myself who don't even know where to begin. Struggling this summer? Thriving? Both can learn from this truth. Hope in God. That is what David urges his soul to do in his darkest night, when men all over the nation hunt for his life at Saul's command. (cf. Psalm 42). Let David, and Christ himself be our example. Hope in God. No circumstance should be able to overcome that hope. Darkness never beats the hope we have in Christ as Christians, little-Christs.

Have patience. Even when life is unfair. Again back to David, whom God anointed as the future King of Israel. He was attacked by Saul in his chambers multiple times. The king tried to kill him, and without a reason. Is that fair? Of course not! But, is God faithful? Always. Have patience. Trust in the Lord, that He will fulfill his promise to work all things for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).

Be faithful. God's greatest desire for His children is obedience. He wants us to obey Him, not out of obligation or religion, but out of love. A practical way to live in the faithfulness is prayer; honest communication with God. If we are to honor God and be faithful to His word we must invite Him to take an active part in our lives. God didn't ask us to move mountains - Jesus says that is fruit of one who believes God at His word and lives a life that revolves around that Truth.

Don't start with the bar at a super-spiritual, unreachable level. Start exactly where scripture suggests.
Be joyful. Be patient. Be faithful.
in hope. in affliction. in prayer.


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