12 March 2012

God Wins the War

I was praying with my SALT which is a group of 4 or 5 Impact prayer team guys that each have their own groups (camps) to pray for and encourage throughout the semester leading up to the Retreat in August. We were praying for the incoming freshmen of the Class of 2016 when someone prayed something to the effect of, "God, we know that Satan might win the battle, but You always win the war." I know I've said that a plethora of times, but it was during this prayer time that something in my Spirit cried out against it.

When we are in Christ, God declares us new creations (2 Cor. 5:17). As new people we are co-heirs to the throne of God with Christ and likewise co-conquerors (Romans 8:37). Nothing can separate us from Christ. Why? Because the power that Satan had over us, namely death, has been defeated by Jesus (Heb. 2:14).

Now, it is important that we make the distinction that we continue to live in a world that is broken. And because the Kingdom of God is "already-not yet" we will still experience pain and loss on earth. Satan has just enough strength to wound, discourage, and lie. Job is a classic example. 

Back to the context of what this means for us. We mustn't pray like this again. Satan has no authority to hold any amount of victory over us. Galatians 5:1 says that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. We are supposed to grab hold of that liberty rather than allow any yoke of destruction to be placed upon us. Granted there is suffering in life and there is hardship. Life is not easy and it only gets harder when we align ourselves under the banner of Christ. Even still, Satan has no victory. We should start praying like this, "God, I know you always win the war, but please show yourself to be actively involved and proclaim your victory over this battle that I find myself in right now." 

The enemy has only as much ground as we allow him to have. Christ gave us the authority, His authority, to cast him out and keep us free. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow (Phil 2:10). Satan only has power over us when we allow him. Where can light coexist with darkness? Nowhere. God is light and in him there is no darkness, and thus no room for Satan to step in (1 John 1:5). Walk in victory today and make no provision for the flesh (Romans 13:14).

Jesus has won the war.
Jesus has won this battle.
Jesus will win the next one too.
Walk in victory.

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