22 October 2010

A Stark Dichotomy

As I read through scripture again and again I find that the line between walking in righteousness and walking in sin is very clear. In John 1:5 darkness is reported to not even understand the light. 2 Kings 9:22 shows God's anger towards those who live in darkness. No peace can coincide with wickedness.

The bible calls followers of Christ to walk in a way that is completely different. Romans 6:2 asks this: "How can we who died to sin still live in it?" Read some of these passages for yourself and examine the vast difference between what God calls us to and how often we live up to that calling. Here's a hint, Romans 3:23 says that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

I know this post isn't driven by many insightful words, but I ask that scripture speak for itself in our lives.
Read John 1, 1 John 4, Romans 3, 5:20-6:2.

Those are just some places to start. The difference between living in truth and living in darkness leaves a huge disparity. Choose today to be children of the light.


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