24 December 2009

The Christmas Invasion

As I've been reading through John I've been focusing on Jesus' description of light. He talks about it frequently ie. John 1:4-5, 8:12, 9:5, 11:9-10, 12:35-36,46 just to point out a few. And as Christmas is right around the corner, I feel it is appropriate to take a closer look into what he had to say. First, a verse to guide us, specifically John 8:12-

"...I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."

Simply put, Jesus the source of life. Lets examine the implications of this. On Christmas we celebrate the birth of a King in a little-known town of Bethlehem. Our Lord began his earthly life so that he could die and be our Savior. So if Jesus is Light, then what kind of world did he enter into? Darkness, or the absence of light. The truth is that this venture into humankind was an invasion. This world is enemy territory.

Jesus is Holy, therefor light can only consist of holiness. Since we are not holy, we walk in darkness if we are without the Light. Up until Jesus descended into this world, there was nothing but darkness. And that is where we live today. In a world filled with darkness, a world in which Jesus says we will have to choose between either walking in Truth or walking in the darkness. Jesus says in John 12:46 that he came into the world so that we would have light and no longer stay in the darkness.

The story of Christmas we often hear is of the cute baby Jesus lying in a manger. Frail and peaceful, just like any other kid. 'Cept this kid happens to be the Creator of the Universe. Jesus Christ came like a paratrooper. He dropped in and set up camp behind enemy lines. As my dear friend Matthew Rock likes to say, Christ came to subvert the empire. He's not just a cute baby. In fact, soon he will be riding a white horse ready to return and judge the world. When light came into this world it came down into utter darkness. This darkness was no match and the light began to spread to the followers of the Christ.

We are now part of the invasion. On Christmas we celebrate the brilliant entry of our King into this world. He never meant for his birth to bring forth signs of "Happy Birthday Jesus." He came under shadow of night, when all the world was still, but the north star shone upon the Light of the world. Jesus' birth was the beginning of a battle for control of humanity. A battle that ultimately Jesus will win.

So this Christmas, let us do two things. First, we should celebrate the birth of our Savior, for without him we would be lost in the darkness for good. Second, we should press on and continue to march. The enemy is afoot, attempting to spread darkness by surrounding the light. We can't and won't let Satan succeed. It is our mission to defeat darkness by letting our light shine within us and throughout the world. This Christmas let us not be distracted by all the trimmings of a big birthday party. Lets subvert the empire of darkness. The battle has begun.

your brother in Christ Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Matt, I love your ideas. They keep me thinking.
