29 October 2009

An Analogy

So Joe Hornberger, a Rice FCA guy, was speaking at Klein FCA this morning and he got me thinking. He talked a little bit about living for Christ, and more specifically from Chapter Four of Crazy Love entitled "Profile of the Lukewarm." Again I heavily recommend you read this book because I guarantee God will move in your heart if you listen to what Francis Chan, the author has to say. Anyways I've yet to get to my original thought.
ahem anyways, Joe's message to our scattered group of kids, some athletes, some not, was refreshing and I translated the concept into an analogy that brought a new sort of clarity to me. Pretend that each one of us as Christians has a position on a football team. There is a right guard and a quarter back, a wide receiver and a center. Now suppose we're trying as a team to accomplish our mission, bring Glory to Jesus Christ and make his name known across the nations. In order for us to reach that goal, to have an effective team, we must all be working together. If someone on the offense line doesn't block the oncoming rush then the quarterback is going to get sacked. If the wide receiver blocks instead of running deep then how can he catch the touchdown? Football has been described as the ultimate team sport. It takes more than just star athletes to be successful, it takes a unit that functions together in order to reach its purpose.

(from Joe) Bob Stoops, the now legendary coach of Oklahoma, was once told he would never win with such a terrible team in his first year as a head coach. The second year of his tenure he won the national championship. He might not have had the best players, but that's not what he asked for. He told a reporter that all he required from his team was effort and execution, neither of the two involved talent.

Why do I bring that up? For the same reason that Joe mentioned this morning: we are all called to fight lukewarmness and to go out on offense. The football analogy just made sense to me; Christ describes us as members of his body, each having our own purpose and function. If you are a Christian God is not happy with you playing life safe, living comfortably. God demands our everything. Why do we give him nearly nothing? Another analogy: If your life is a house, God should be able to permeate every room. Are you locking him out of any room, no matter how small? If you didn't believe would your life look the same?

food for thought. thanks again to Joe and Chapters 4 and 7 of Crazy Love.

18 October 2009

Go Hard by Lecrae (feat. Tedashii)

I don't know if many of you are fans of Christian Rap, but even if you aren't take a look at these lyrics. Are you going hard for the Lord? Is he the purpose behind your life? Lecrae asks some tough questions: let's answer them.


Lord kill me If I don't preach the gospel
I'm still in my 20's- but I'll die if I got to
Eh man I''m Already dead- man forget my flesh
I done been crossed over, see the full court press
I'm a full court mess if the Lord don't use me
Running from my trials thinkin' everythangs groovy
If the Cross don't move me then I don't wanna breath no mo
If I ain't seeing Christ potna I don't wanna see no mo
Rep Him every day without worrying about bruising
I been to china mayne I seen some real persecution
If U didn't know Christ would ya life look the same
Can they tell you value Jesus by the way you rep his name?
man what's the point of living if Im living for myself
Lord empty out my life before I put you on the shelf
So for God I got Hard I don't wanna die tonight
But It's too many people living who ain't heard about the Christ

Go Hard or Go Home
Go Hard or Go Home
Lord Use Me Up
Lord Use Me Up

Went to Asia had to duck and hide-for sharin' my faith
They tell me water it down when I get back to states
They say tone the music down you might sell a lot a records
But it's people out here dying and none of em heard the message
Took my wifey on mission trip - in central america
Shared her testimony 40 people stood and stared at her
When she said Jesus shoulda seen it was insane
cause 40 out of 40 never heard of Jesus name
Aw mayne we ain't focused on the war we just kickin' it
worried bout our image and our space up on the internet
take me out the game coach I don't wanna play no mo
If cant give it all I got and leave it out there on the court
Thank you for the Grace for the will and the desire
got me living for your glory stead of living to retire
But I pray I'll never tire of going hard for Messiah
I don't need no motivation You the reason I'm inspired.

Go Hard for the Lord baby 'til He takes us home
Go Hard for the Father baby go on get it on
That's what that is baby/that what that mean/that what that mean
That what That is baby/That what that mean/that what that mean
Wha-What that mean?
That mean that we, should be out up in the streets
Not just in houses with our bible's summarizing what we read
Man this ain't deep (man this ain't deep)/why we ain't doing what we read
Its like we sleep (its like we sleep)
But sinners sleepwalk when they sleep
So why can't we (so why can't we)/the redeemed of the LORD
Act out, what He said/and make a scene for the LORD
Action-cut, say what, like we was the director
But you better get a Grip like movie sets, and get to stepping/(Martin)
I know you done it/da-done it, da-done-and heard it all
You was going hard for the Lord before you heard this song
But don't play yourself to save ya self/and walk in fear
Scripture's like a mirror/the truth is closer than it appears


08 October 2009

Procrastination a Sin?: An Essay on Time

It comes natural for us to assume that because we are alive today, we will be alive tomorrow. We assume that this is just how things are supposed to work. The reality is this: is this really true? The answer: no.

Human life is not something concrete but rather a finite hope that we hang on to. Our lives are our own to use for whatever purposes we want. We're willing to live for God.... tomorrow. How true is that? I know for me it's always easier to promise God that I'll spend time with him tomorrow, but I just can't right now. Or maybe, God I really do want to make you known in my school, but I'm not good at evangelizing. I'm not trying to argue that we will be perfect, just that God wants our lives. The response to a HOLY God should be "I surrender" not "I will surrender... eventually... I promise... just let me do my own thing for a bit longer." The truth is that we could not live to see the end of today.

Death is a taboo subject. But Christ came and broke all the social barriers. We have little control over our lives, yet we think too often that we run the show. Listen to this statement:
We could be face to face with the Mighty Lord Jesus Christ this very day.
Think about that for a second. Do you truly believe that God has the power over life AND over death. That he can create a new life and take an old one away? People of every age and every background die every day, what makes us so invincible?

Now answer this: are you ready? We say we are. But get past the surface, do more than just rely on the standard "goody-two-shoes" Christian response. Too often we figure that we can start living for God tomorrow.

If Jesus had put off dieing on the cross until "tomorrow" where would we be right now?

If our God didn't give us everything, where would we be? Does that scare you? It should.

We make time an idol. Jesus Christ, the Creator of the world, stands outside of time. Before time was created (yes, time wasn't just there) God was. By saying we'll live for Christ tomorrow we're denying him today. God doesn't make room for lukewarm "Christians" he demands all or nothing. We worship time. We give our lives to the concept of tomorrow, working for something that we have deemed worthwhile. Maybe it's a job, or a family, or a lifestyle. But none of these compare to the eternity we will be spending either with God or without him. We make our lives on earth out to be important, but in the end, what have we done with God?

God calls us to live for him. To deny our flesh that says "do it later" and to cling to the cross that cries out "I love you now, and forever." God wants us always. How can we even bare to think that we WILL love him... tomorrow? We always say procrastination is bad, but usually we limit it to the realm of homework or our occupations. Putting off God's calling is equivalent to telling the King of the Universe "No, I'd rather do things my way." We are an arrogant, spineless, cowardly, worthless, broken people. Yet we DEMAND God's love NOW. If you wan't God's love then prove it. I'm not saying grace is not sufficient. What I am saying, like James, is that "faith without deeds is dead." If we really are followers of Christ we should be following him from the Cross to the Grave today.

Death is coming friends. Everyone will die. So don't pretend anymore. You or I could be standing before God giving an account of our life on earth BEFORE WE FINISH READING THIS SENTENCE. I'll say it again. We could die WITHIN THIS VERY MINUTE. Yet we still treat God as a parent that we just need to appease, to do just enough. Time was created BY GOD so that we could spend every minute in his presence making him known and praised throughout all creation. I don't know when, but we all will stand before the throne someday. maybe that day is today? What will you have to say about your life? God isn't going to accept "Well, I was going to do it, I was just too busy." Does that work when you're late on a homework assignment? Of course not. God's assignment to us is to take up our Cross and follow him. Revelation 3:1 says this "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead." Unfortunately we all fall into that trap sometimes. But the greatest thing is that once we realize who we are without God we can humbly begin to seek him in earnest.

I end with this. Live for God today, because you have no right to demand tomorrow. If God calls you to testify for your life today, will you be ready?

01 October 2009

It's Been a While

It's been far to long since I've touched base with the blog so I'm going to post another entry up this Saturday 10/3 so be expecting that. In the mean time read this, its Chapter 1 from Francis Chan's book Crazy Love. I absolutely love it. Check it out and then I would urge you to get the book if you haven't read it yet. Chapter two is extremely intense. more posts to folllow-

ps. Raincheck on that, ended up having a full weekend, or at least didn't have too much access to the computer. I do need to update ya'll and hopefully I can do that as soon as possible. Stay tuned,